Jens Spahn can’t complain. Because of the care insurance threatens to be assumed, in spite of steep for a cover increase in contributions, the money, has demanded of the Minister of health recently launched a “fundamental debate” on the future financing. Now he has you on the cheek. And even in the own group.

This dependency does not become the risk of poverty and the people Affected would become even more dependent on social benefits, whether a system change is needed, writes the CSU members Emmi Zeulner. The shares would need to be capped, she said the “Frankfurter Allgemeine”. And the Chairman of the health Committee agrees. Due to rising costs for nursing homes, it was “essential that we limit the equity shares in the inpatient care on a reasonable contribution,” said the CDU politician Erwin Rüddel. This is true, but only for the pure care and not for any end of living costs.

1800 Euro per month out of pocket

today, around one-third of the residents do not refer to social assistance because their assets and a pension sufficient to pay for the rising share according to Zeulner. The statutory insurance covers only a part of the cost. On average, the patient or their relatives must currently around 1800 euros per month. You pay almost half of their care costs out of your own pocket.

Zeulners proposal goes in the direction of full insurance, the CSU politician would have liked to have increased the subsidy of the care funds for residents. How would that be to pay, leaves you open. Rüddel does not press the question, however, before the financing. He demanded, the resulting additional costs to compensate for tax subsidies. Finally, he argues, is also expenditure for social assistance savings would, in the end, Yes. A kind of zero-sum game.

Also, good care should not be needy “no longer just a challenge for nursing staff and care, but as a task for the whole society will be realized,” wrote Rüddel months ago. In order to develop concrete proposals he is now proposing a Commission, which should be located at the Ministry of health.

Three-quarters of citizens feel bad

secured That there should not be only for the statutory pensions and health insurance subsidies, calling the funds. “The introduction of a tax-financed Federal subsidy for long-term care insurance would be the right step, in order to Finance care in this country fairer,” says top Association management Board Gernot Kiefer. And the back cover, the Union politicians were given on Tuesday by the Federation of German consumer organisations. He presented a representative survey, in which 89 percent of the citizens want is a tax subsidy for the nursing care insurance.

at the same time, more than three-quarters of the respondents indicated that they do not feel secured for their own care case, financially sufficient. It was “particularly alarming,” it said in the commentary of the umbrella Association. Because two years earlier, only 53 percent of the respondents have not complained of. The Problem is that the benefits of the social long-term care insurance were the costs of developments, said Association Executive Board Klaus Müller. “The care case, must no longer be the case for the Cost.”

“Blue letter” to the Minister of health

To the required discharge to a regular adjustment of insurance services belong. You would have to be based on the rate of inflation and a year automatically, with the staff costs rise. To wuppen the, whether a tax subsidy is necessary, because only in this way, an increase in contributions to the care insurance funds and in the longer term is limited.

From the point of view of the Green, the survey results are “a blue letter for the Minister of health, the doctor anxious, at the rate of contribution to make instead of long-term care insurance for the future”. Only a care-citizens insurance, all types of income for all citizens would be taken into account, distribute costs in a sustainable way, and solid, and, said her group spokeswoman Kordula Schulz-ash. Together with a tax subsidy is the Foundation of a good supply.

Spahn does not want to set yet

The employers, in turn, the demands from the Union not to like. To want to own the share for those in need of care due to higher subsidies, lower, was “ill-advised, expensive, and unnecessary,” was your national Association of to hear.

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Regional differences in care in Berlin is particularly expensive

And Jens Spahn, as the Initiator of the whole debate? He does not want to set. The grant claim have “advantages and disadvantages”, said the Minister on Tuesday, the “Frankfurter Allgemeine”. But so many screws there, Yes. “Contributions, Tax Subsidy, Equity Participation. A policy debate is balanced.“