the Last parallel parking: Sorry so much, but also this year there will be rather skrint with christmas concerts in churches and various other venues. It is not so as it can be imagined that someone I know is going out of the country, far away to other climes to dance a little tango and to visit family. They are living high above sea level and it is a long time since we were there, very long ago. Joy.

Yes, such a thing is well, far better than the eternal song about happy christmas and white christmas and angels and everything else that we norwegians seem to love more and more and more. We are unique christmassy year after year, and it may well be that we are wrong, done it before, but is it in 2018 more artists than ever who are looking at juleturneer over it pretty country? We count it as certain that the total collections is svinsk good. Is it by the way, any artists who travel around on a moskéturné?

Well, we have not avoided the music before the christmas hero. Saturday we were at home on the old festiviteten, the brukseier Mathiesen built to its many employees and which is still very much alive and unique, with the great festsalen where it was packed, with snøfresergitarist Amund Maarud and then the happy walkers from Halden, Onkel Tuka. It was so much fun that it was liquor & lårstrekk. Not the hamstring that the mases of fotballkommentatorene on TV2.

Monday night there is also the stage was set for a different concert, of all things, at Chat Noir in Oslo. It had deLillos hired in for two acoustic concerts and hurtling off. We was surprised. The band drew up several forgotten songs, the classic lampettene on the table were lit and extinguished, the waiters ålet between the chairs, little sofas and tables, and all three scroll Lars, Lillo-Stenberg, Fredrik Beckstrøm and Lundevall, on bass, banjo, mandolin, and various guitars showed off what the lives of eminent strengeleik in them.

all their timeless tunes (have to write such a thing when we’re talking about the old black cat) rearranged so we really were on a completely different sledging trip with the Chef Tor and next summer. Exceptionally prima care, sekunda not. Førjula at the Chat Noir lasts up to Øystein Paasche.