in recent years, a kind of terapiträdgårdar constructed adjacent to homes for the elderly in Sweden, including at the Sabbatsbergs sjukhus in Stockholm. They are meant to stimulate the senses through sight, hearing and doftupplevelser.
with the external stimulus, as described in DN:s reportage from the German Dresden are, however, not in Sweden, as far as demensforskaren Miia Kivipelto know.
– No, but generally adapts to the environment more also in Sweden, ” says Kivipelto, who is a professor at the division of clinical geriatrics, Karolinska institutet.
” You know, for example, the colors may seem stimulating. Another thing is the music. People from other countries often go back to the music they listened to when they were younger, and also the language they used.
– You can think of to even customize the different types of celebrations, such as christmas, and take into account what you used to read. Such makes healthcare more and more, ” says Miia Kivipelto.
the home for the elderly where east Germany has re-emerged – as demensterapi
Miia Kivipelto, a professor at Karolinska institutet. Photo: Erik Cronberg / KI
With the so-called reminiscensmetoden (reminiscence means recall) used ”igångsättare” such as photos or objects to facilitate communication. The method can be a way to give a person with dementia increased self-esteem and sense of security, according to the Swedish demenscentrum.
want to keep their old furniture, pictures from childhood and other familiar things when they move into any form of care homes. It can be beneficial for people with alzheimer’s disease who have lost cognition.
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Whether or not a re-enactment of the environment from the younger years, can help to improve the cognitive functions, the ability to understand the outside world, however, is unclear, according to Kivipelto.
” I don’t think you researched on just that. But the general environment is the accommodation important. Perhaps it has not focused enough on this. It will more and more, I think.
– For some individuals, it can probably work. It depends on at what stage you are at. Those with milder alzheimer’s disease can be a little bit more, they can keep track of what day it is, and orientation. When it’s been longer, you lose this ability.
– in General, is both social, mental and physical activities good for the brain. They can also prevent deterioration, and it is important for these people. Quality of life and level of function are important when the man reached the stage.
A person with dementia that becomes enabled and can be with a better quality of life. You can also become calmer when you are not just passive, ” says Miia Kivipelto.
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