It was evening when the Uk would finally get a contract, a roadmap for leaving the EU.

A chance to take a breather.

instead, it was a no – again. 391 no to 242 yes. A humiliating defeat for the government.

Theresa May in parliament on Tuesday. Photo: House of Commons

a less förlustmarginal than the last time. But 149 votes margin is still very much in british politics – and the question that many in Westminster are asking themselves is whether Theresa May now be forced to descend from the prime minister, or at least announce a new election.

keep in mind, nevertheless, it looked so good, just a few hours before the vote.

Theresa May had made a last-minute trip to Strasbourg on Monday evening and reached an agreement with the EUROPEAN commission president Jean-Claude Juncker concerning a pair of separate, smaller additions to the utträdesavtalet.

For a few hours seemed a yes to be within reach.

But attorney general Geoffrey Cox review if the changes changed everything. ”The legal risks persist,” concluded Cox and brexitörerna in the Tories and the government to some extent due DUP interpreted this as the british, yet can be ”caught” at an indefinite time in the disputed reservplanen for northern Ireland.

bravely all day on Tuesday – both against their skeptical members, and an increasing hoarseness – but she was unable to convince enough people that this was the last chance to get to an agreement.

the Message that a chaotic avtalslös Brexit is getting closer and closer, and that the alternative may well be that there will be no Brexit at all – it was simply not home.

With just over two weeks left to Brexitdagen on march 29, know, therefore, no certainty as to what to expect.

On Wednesday, parliament will get to vote on whether a avtalslös Brexit. But everything suggests that it will be a no to such a withdrawal – for if there is anything that the past few weeks debates and votes have shown, it is that there is a majority in favour of a chaotic ”no deal”.

a vote on Thursday on an application for a deferred Brexit. Where can it be yes. But even if the members vote yes to a deferred Brexit, the question is what few months of the extension would be able to change in this locked position.

Theresa May said after the vote:

– A delayed Brexit does not solve the problems we face.

Theoretically, Theresa May stretch out a hand to the Labour and the other opposition and open the way for a customs union and a much closer relationship to the EU than what brexitörerna in the prime minister’s party want to see.

But it would require that the May release of the ”red lines” which she long maintained. And the result would likely be an open civil war in her own party, with avgångskrav and a crumbling government.

Former foreign minister, Boris Johnson, said during Tuesday’s debate that the british would be able to leave without a contract and still force through a transitional period by voluntarily adhere to the customs union and the internal market rules.

It was denied, however, quickly of the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier.

From the Labour side was awakened, once again, the requirement of an election:

– Now, the agreement is dead, and it must be buried once and for all. We will present our proposal for a negotiating strategy again. But unless Theresa May is listening, maybe she can still think of an election? said labour leader Jeremy Corbyn after the vote.

Outside stood hundreds of demonstrators – both for and against Brexit.

Jeff Rees. Photo: Mark Earthy

the 47-year-old Jeff Rees had put on a snorkel, goggles and swimming ring and holding a placard with the text: ”A Titanic Success”.

” We are about to sink. And I do not want my country goes under, ” said Jeff Rees, with a wry smile.

He wanted to see a second referendum on Brexit, and that the country stays in the EU.

” I work in the finance industry and my company can hit hard. In particular, if it becomes a avtalslös Brexit. It would mean a disaster. Already today we are suffering the effects of the falling pound of course, ” said Jeff Rees.

Not all roades, however, of the idea of a new referendum, as some members are working to achieve.

” I believe in democracy, but democracy must be cherished and respected. We voted to leave the EU – and the only way to do it really is a avtalslös Brexit, ” said the 55-year-old security guard Joseph Afrane, as the day to honor dressed in a colorful ”leave”costume.

After Tuesday’s vote, the no side celebrating. Because no one has won the day. The united kingdom is left in suspense – and at the cliff, it all comes closer.

Joseph Afrane. Photo: Mark Earthy