”I experiencing an increasing conservatism several years ago,” says the journalist Torbjörn Nilsson on think tank Timbros onsdagsseminarium on the right conservatism. It is difficult to argue with. And easy to understand why it has become so.

on the cliché that ”lagom”. We have as a nation has undergone great changes, and it has been fast.

the School has been guided by a pedagogical ideology in which traditional knowledge, lärarauktoritet, order and study environment prioritised down. Add a large shift in the societal view of knowledge, which we for simplicity, we can call ”postmodernism”.

Climates at universities and colleges has changed, and the teaching and research carried out today is too often another name for ideologiproduktion. The same thing applies to the culture, where the activist officials of the benefits of politically motivated stödpengar that conversion rather than diversify the culture.

because of poor integration policy has contributed to large gaps between before – and exclusion, often with segregation, crime and social exclusion as a result.

the Defense was mounted down at the same time as Russia increased the pressure on their neighbours and do not recoiled to conduct foreign policy by means of the tank. In combination with the information warfare that Moscow and Beijing are engaged against the whole of the western world, and AMERICA’s ’top-down’ unreliability, it is not strange if the feeling of insecurity increased.

Conservatism in their entirety are simply lacking sex appeal.

today we see, quite natural, reaction. The election campaign was marked by parties stumbled upon the other to appear to be strict in these issues. ”It was better in the old days” was well-nothing party’s official slogans, but probably went there to read between the lines on posters and in speeches.

looking to the more conservative ideas that motlägg to society’s rapid changes does not necessarily mean that they embrace conservatism as an ideology. A simple evidence: provide a proposal for better border controls, more police officers and upgrading of the defense, and it will get the votes from the SD:are to the socialists. Many of those who want to see these changes, the sooner the better, would certainly not see themselves as conservatives.

There is today excellent for an individual voter to require the traditionally conservative solutions to crime together with the socialist on the economic gaps.

in a state of anarchy will miss the strong state,” said political scientist Katarina Barrling on Timbroseminariet. You can reverse it: Turn into a conservative in saudi Arabia – where a 1 500-year-old religion controls the society and the woman’s role as cook and the bible in basic English – and the hen will throw tweedkavajen and I overboard and scream after the liberal reforms.

Fredrik Haage, conservative, political editor at Smålandsposten, see Christian democratic youth league (KDU) as the conservatism real standard bearers and spoke dreamy about the ”20-year-old girls who think political correctness and feminism is shit”. And yes, there are people who disagree with them, but they will remain randfenomen in the american policy together with the 14-year-old trotskister and ungliberaler who want to privatise the defence.

is that a lot of the issues are totally obsolete. The feminist achievements, for example, cannot be undone, lgbtq people are not pressed back into the closet, religion never make a comeback as part of they control of the man. Conservatism, in its entirety, are simply lacking sex appeal.

Rather than a comeback for a single ideology, I believe that what we are seeing today is b. the real death, 65 years after Herbert Proponents began to discuss the phenomenon. Ideologies are for people, willing to die for the team. Today’s voters are more like söndagsshoppare, who picks down some odds and ends in his åsiktskorg: ”Hmm, lower taxes, feminism, and a strong defense – sounds fine fish there!”

Why should you accept a ready made åsiktsgryta when you can cook something much better on its own and ignore the spices you hate? Ideologen is dead, long live the infidels selector!