gloves and A tiny leather Shoe, two small Children and a birth certificate. This is all what’s left of Hinda Cohen. No photo, no image. 27. In March of 1944, German soldiers kidnap the two-year-old from a Lithuanian warehouse. As Tzipporah and Dov Cohen to return to the Camp, is her daughter. In the sole of your left Shoe Hindas father carves the date of the crime, a kratztes testimony of the horror of the Holocaust.

Today, 75 years later, fighting Haim gardener against the decay of these certificates and travel to Berlin on Tuesday. Gardener’s archive Director of the Holocaust memorial centre Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. He preserved the evidence. It prepares you to tell the story behind the objects. In the Commerzbank-house on the Pariser Platz, in the shadow of the Brandenburg gate, gardener together with Kai Diekmann, Chairman of the German circle of friends of Yad Vashem, the project: the house of the collections.


needs to Yad Vashem, more space needs. The biggest crime in the history of mankind has left millions of evidence. Documents, photos and items such as Hindas Shoe. “In the last few years, the archive has grown dramatically,” says gardener. In 2011, the memorial centre launched the campaign “pick up The pieces”. The goal: memorabilia from private homes to save before they are lost. 250.000 items have since been added. That’s why he wants to build on the Yad Vashem site, the home of the collections, with four underground levels, and space for restoration, archive and memory.

Almost 27 million Euro cost of the project – gardener has been found together with Diekmann five partners from Germany. Borussia Dortmund, the German railway, the Deutsche Bank, Daimler, and Volkswagen – for five companies that each provide one Million euros. The announce gardener and Diekmann, now in Berlin, together with representatives of the company.

responsibility for the past

the operations of their corporations in the third Reich were a reason to support the Yad Vashem project. The railway Board Ronald Pofalla as well as his colleague Gunnar Killian, VW, Thorsten Strauss of the Deutsche Bank and Daimler-representative Eckart von Klaeden pointed out. For the BVB Boss Hans-Joachim Watzke, current social developments are crucial for the commitment of the Dortmund football club: “In the last few years has changed a lot in the society,” says Watzke. Anti-Semitic tendencies had increased. “We don’t accept, we tolerate, and that is us at BVB a major concern.” Haim gardener expected, that the house of collections “will allow us to collect all the memories, objects, and evidence and to share with future generations”.

More about

Casdorffs Agenda, A place of remembrance, the man h4> Stephan-Andreas Casdorff

Tzipporah and Dov Cohen survived never forgets </the Holocaust and moved to Israel. In her will she stipulated that Hindas gloves, your birth certificate and also your Shoe in the Yad should Vashem-move the archive to share the memory of her daughter Hinda. With the planned building space is created. For many items, their story needs to be told.