do you Think that startup-pöhinällä is a limit or a height, over which it is simply no longer pöhisee?

you Were wrong. The helsinki fair centre on Thursday launched a Slush is greater than ever.

for a Moment it seemed that the event would have established a size of about 20 000 guests. Last and year before last, the papers were full of (you move to another service), that the ceiling has been reached – in this Slush will not increase.

But it didn’t. The slush Yle according to information submitted by this time, organizers expect the scene already 25 000 visitors – an increase will mean about a quarter of a year ago.

Harri a little fabric / Yle

the number of Visitors however, more important is what kind of people the convention center use. Slush is not the whole folk festival – not even Nordic Business forum’s such as business, the general spirit of raising the event.

Both events will be held at the Helsinki fair centre. The difference is, however, that the actor George Clooney fits very poorly slush the speaker kavalkadiin.

instead of slush’s stars are stripet, klarna you, sequoia, soft bank, light speed, boltit… entrepreneurs and investors, where a large audience is not, perhaps never heard of. From within this community however, they are huge success stories, which I learn is to be heard.

– in Everything we do, we strive to be as useful as possible growth entrepreneurs, slush, ceo of Andreas Island said.

the Island recalls that the financing of the acquisition is only a small part of the growth of the company activities. The slush stage in talking about the team size and business growth of the pain points.

This year we released a new european startup media, which distributes free practical and concrete content, which is the entrepreneurs directly benefit from.

in Previous years also, the Slush has been the star dust. In recent years there is, however, no longer see the United states the former vice president of Al Gore such as super speakers or the royal.

This probably means the smaller headlines in the afternoon newspapers. Growth figures, I’d say it has, however, been the right strategy.

Slush does not need to Hollywood stars, and president and ceo of the Island in their own words, still don’t know what buzz means.

Harri a little fabric / YleHurja ratio: Which is the second to find financial information

the Above chart delves just a little deeper. It will tell you that startup entrepreneurs and investors the number is still increasing sharply and that the Slush is the investor about every other startup entrepreneur.

Except that, of course not. Growth company of the competition between investors ‘ attention is fierce. Money is perhaps only every tenth, but even more so.

the Best ideas and innovations evoke attention. Last year, one such startup company was a Finnish Soil Scout.

“underground weather” – up to half of irrigation water can be saved data with the help of Finnish innovation. Humidity sensor, which is buried so deep that the plow is not it knock. Operating time is promised up to 20 years.Soil Scout

the Finnish Soil Scoutilla is a great innovation – the sensor that sends the humidity information of the deep underground. That allows farmers to improve their crops and golf green views.

– we are able to send underground weather information for anyone in need – meters depth, the ceo Jalmari Talola exclaims.

the Soil of the Scout’s customers operate, as a rule, dry and hot part of the world.

– Up to half of irrigation water can be saved data, and optimization. It means the individual golf course or the vast plantations even thousands of euros a day, Talola said.

the Golf courses are currently the most promising customer group, but the greatest opportunities are in agriculture. Fresh water availability is a global problem, and agriculture’s share of freshwater consumption is Talolan, about 70 per cent.

“growth for the company is always busy. Sooner or later someone will figure out a replacement solution. Large companies are solid to start, but their product development is in the long run murdering efficient,” Soil Scout Jalmari Talola said.Soil Scout”for a Long time just believe we stubbornly”

underground sensor was a good idea, which not only left the take-off.

Time for a long time only we believed stubbornly that the idea is so brilliant that it will break to the revenue funding, the Soil Scout Talola said.

the Company’s scientific director Johannes Tiusanen made by innovation dates back to the 1990s. Commercial function the company is engaged in the year 2014.

–Years ago, in the summer we said that the breakthrough would have its own power already happened, if it had happened to.

Thus was born the decision to go to seek external funding, and last year’s Slush proved decisive.

the Slush oheistapahtu mass Talolan with the same table hurts the Swedish company Husqvarna, the investment manager. Robot grass machine known as the company to understand what the finns were doing and invested in the company.

the sum of the companies do not disclose.

Find financing even without slush coco?

slush the existence of the most important criteria is to bring together Finnish growth entrepreneurs and international venture capitalists. This goal is 2010-first century have largely been achieved, as the chart below tell.

Foreign investors are marked with a bluish tones.

Juha-Matti Mäntylä / Yle

if Finland Is already at the point that the funding be found without the slush coco?

Soil Scout Talolan, it is possible, but the Slush makes time use more efficient.

Funding left is usually to get in a situation where cash is tight or even completely dry. It’s not so much money to spend on travel to, Talola said.

Also, slush’s ceo Andreas Island has pondered the question.

– I certainly hope that the funding be found Without the slush even. On the other hand, still has a meaning that brought people together and created as a showcase of what we’ve got here.

Then each one is easier to justify to himself that Finland should leave.

more than one guest has stated that this has been their year in the most effective 48 hours, the Island said.

the Argument to confirm on Twitter also from Oslo to helsinki, I arrived to the entrepreneur. Slush is according to him, the investor meetings regarding the “ridiculous time-saver”.

slush the visitors were more than a billion

Then one more chapter, which is likely to inspire the exhibition center directional entrepreneurs. The organizers namely the fall that the slush was last year involved in companies have over the year collected from investors eur 1.2 billion.

the Sum is mind-blowing.

Unclear, of course remains, how many thank their funding just Slush. They too, however, is – certainly other than the underground sensors to the development of the Soil Scout.

This week occurred in the encounters appear in the statistics next to the spring and autumn period.

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