as well As the Swedish Academy has Oscarsakademin bizarrely difficult to do right at the moment. No one seems to want to have the job as the host, then Kevin Hart had to jump of because of the homophobic twitterförsyndelser.

In the week was the outcry in Hollywood when the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences revealed that they intended to share out the four major academy awards in sly, under featured. This means, among other things, that if the swedes behind the ”Limit” (Göran Lundström, Pamela Goldammer) would win a golden statuette for best mask/wig, then we will not get to see it live when the gala takes place on February 24 (the night between Sunday and Monday Swedish time).

expanding the spotlight is Oscar for best cinematography and best editing, as well as best short film. Just the first two categories, which is unique to the film medium. ”The photo and the clipping is at the heart of our art… The only thing we have not inherited of the theater and literature… They are in the movie itself”, complained last year’s big winner Guillermo del Toro. The multi-award nominated ”Roma”-director Alfonso Cuarón raged on Twitter: ”found The masterpiece without sound, color, story, actors and music artists. But no movie has ever existed without the photo and clipping.”

That just Oscarsakademin, the industry’s heart, exercises such a baroque assault of its own art form, learn to punish themselves, in addition, it is total in osynk with a gala, which this year in particular highlights the visual masterpieces such as ”Roma”, ”Cold war” and ”The favourite”.

Read more about svenskchanserna for this year’s Oscars