private economies and other social factors can influence mental health, according to a Folkhälsomyndighetens the compilation of the underlying risk factors. The greatest importance has the question of whether the person is unemployed or having financial problems, according to Sara Fritzell, who is an investigator in the Folkhälsomyndigheten.

– There is a strong correlation between unemployment and mental ill-health. To live with financial trouble for a longer time means a constant stresspåslag that increase the vulnerability to physical and mental ill-health. We also know that it goes in both directions, if you have poorer mental health are at greater risk to have a less capital, ” says Fritzell.

all age groups. Children of low educated parents with worse economy runs a greater risk of mental ill-health.

– Uppväxtvillkoren the importance of children experiencing risk factors such as economic vulnerability, the mentally ill parents or many bostadsflyttar are at greater risk of mental illness later in life, it is very clear, ” says Fritzell.

In the age group of 0-17 have boys more psychiatric diagnoses than the girls, while reports girls more mental disorders.

The youngest boys have more and other forms of mental illness than girls, for example, more neuropsychiatric problems, while girls show a greater incidence of eating disorders, depression and anxiety, ” says Fritzell.

mental ill-health among adults is to be a woman, having a disability, being born abroad or not to be heterosexual.

– It is not so easy to be odd in today’s society. It gives fewer opportunities to be non-hetero, have a disability or be born in another country, and sometimes added elements to each other, ” says Fritzell.

Women have generally lower incomes and experience more insecurity. Women also take major responsibility for home and children and work more often in the kontaktyrken, which can be factors for mental ill health.

mental illness is not necessarily constant, but is, in fact, may vary during life time.

– most people experience mental health problems every now and then, a feeling of anxiety, worrying, and anxiety. It need not be a problem if it does not affect the ability to cope with work or social relationships, but when the problems are long-lasting you need to quickly get help.