not long ago I was present in a miljødemonstrasjon. An avid guy went in the outskirts of the multitude, and said to all who were interested in hearing: In the news they had said that if we did not klimaarbeidet seriously, could the nancial system collapse. Something so silly! It might be the same with the nancial system, so long as the earth collapsed!
Finanskollaps is the same as the economic collapse, which is the same as hunger, distress and death. If this is your preferred method to save the earth, so is the best thing I can say that you fortunately are quite alone.
point of View is outrert , but it is pointed enough, however, a context which not everyone is sufficiently aware of the: shall we be able to stop climate change before they get out of control, financial capital is ready to be on the team. Not only must it be on the team, it must take on the captaincy and lead the way. The realignment costs, it is to be paid – and there are staggering sums of money we’re talking about.
Employees can did not fix it alone. That you can just forget. In France, the 1 cent increase in the bensinavgiftene triggered the largest protestbølgen in the country in 50 years. The un last klimarapport was published before the yellow vestene mobilized in France, but smelled lunta. Forgjeldede states of america, the growing inequality and sense of marginalization makes that the policy has a limited scope. The un klimarapport writes that the challenge therefore is to make the transition without having to overturn the huge cost of the citizens, because it will exacerbate the social unrest. And how much more social unrest can withstand we, really?
the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change has counted on how much the realignment will cost. In order to reach the 1.5-degree goal, it is estimated that the world needs the 2.4 trillion dollars (1 trillion = a thousand billion) in investments in the energy and transport sectors. Annually. Far more than that invested in the day, in addition to the investments shall be turned sharply – from fossil to renewable. We do an annual cut investments in fossil with 300 billion dollars, and increase it even more in renewable sources. We need green investments, in heaps and loads. It can go, but it does not go with the current pace. It is not caused by our friend, we will march, but that the policies and incentives do not add enough to the right thing – and that the financial industry itself is too slow. Norway stands out not positive.
In relation to a country like Sweden, is Norway far behind. In the neighbouring there is a call for green investment, and they are made available in the market. Here at home sitting it too far. DNB offers f. ex. green mortgages, but large-scale green investment capital, there are few that see the value of. Is it because there is less money to be made? No. Green funding to provide the same returns as other investments, and in an article in The Economist recently, it comes up that it is in strong growth internationally. The first green bonds – in other words, loans that finance environmentally-friendly purpose – was issued by The world bank as late as in 2008. Ten years later constitutes green bonds is already 2.5 per cent of all bonds worldwide.
we Look at the calculation of the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change has served us, lets us know why this is so important. Without targeted work in finance to show what is a green investment, and what isn’t, we can wave goodbye to the 1.5-degree goal. When the requirement for pace and the size is so big, we have to know that the money is channelled in the right direction. Companies must take care to highlight the green investeringsobjektene their, so that these can attract money, and grow.
In a oljedominert the Norwegian economy is enough this a little bit taboo. By dedicating time and attention to green investment, says you at the same time that utslippstunge investments poses in a different category. That they are less forward-looking. A company Equinor has, for example, havvindprosjekter, but the issuer is not green bonds to finance them. It could be they made, if they split the company in a green and a fossil part.
presents it regjeringsutnevnte Klimarisikoutvalget its report. It will highlight how climate change will affect the financial risk in our community. Among other things, why it pays to take account of this risk when you invest. Climate change will destroy a lot of values – and create the potential for new. The report can be the most important document this government put forward. Klimarisikovurderinger must form the basis for policy, and for business. It will be a prerequisite for the success of slowing climate change, and it will be a prerequisite for the success of economic. A completely new way of thinking that must permeate the whole society.