With strangers – and anti-EU tones has agreed to Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his followers on the European elections at the end of may. “In the run-up to the European elections, Europe has again reached the point where we have our Hungarian identity, our Christian heritage to defend”, said Orban on Sunday evening in his annual state of the Union speech in front of invited guests in Budapest.

“30 years Ago we thought that we have thrown the Communist thoughts permanently to the garbage that had declared an end to the Nations – it seems that we have deceived us,” said Orban. “Once again you announce a world without Nations, you want to open societies and those who are back, sweeping away our traditions and our country want to flood with foreign cultures.”

Video 11.02.2019, 09:28 Uhr01:27 Min.Orban shares prior to the European election against Brussels

The European elections, he announced the “final battle”

Orban described the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament, as the “final battle”. With a view to the European Union, the head of the government, the “new castle said the International is the Brussels, and your agent is the immigration”. Immigration but leads to “a rise in crime, especially against women” and leave “the Virus of terrorism to penetrate”.

In this context, Orban said concern about the “transformation of formerly Christian countries”. In immigration countries and Muslim worlds would be “Christian”, in which the percentage of Christians is shrinking continuously. The development could not be reversed once set in motion, – “who goes always in this Express, will arrive at the Terminus, there is no return ticket,” said the Hungarian Prime Minister.

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From the Community

Orban Christian values defended ‘as he understands’, you should add. De facto, represents its Non-immigration policy to the contrary contrary to the fundamental ideas of Christianity: mercy, and charity.

…and writes user Gophi

attacks against Frank Timmermans

Orban’s Fidesz party in the EU Parliament, the group of the European people’s party (EPP), which also includes the CDU and the CSU. The top candidate of European socialists, Frans Timmermans, accused Orban in his speech, the “list of Pro-immigration parties” to lead and to be the candidate of the Hungarian-born US billionaire George Soros, who is an influential adversary of Orban.

“Hungary’s response” to the loss of population in the country, Orban announced on Sunday a Seven-point Plan with other family policy measures. So mothers should be exempt with at least four children of the income tax and, until 2022, for every child a kindergarten place. In addition, grandparents who care for their grandchildren should receive financial support from the state.

“We don’t want Hungarian babies”

“We just want Numbers, we want to Hungarian babies,” noted Orban. Hungary has), 1,49 children per woman, one of the lowest birth rates in the Organisation for economic co-operation and development (OECD. The population also fell due to the emigration of working-age Hungarians to under ten million. (AFP)