“oh, Come to Andalusia and left Catalonia, Agnes!”, yells a young girl, while the photography with the mobile phone. The place is not any: the district of Triana, in Seville, where the president andalusian lives since he was born. The leader of Catalan Citizens, jerezana source, test, in Andalusia, his jerk election outside of Catalonia, though not present at the elections —the applicant is John Marin— with an important role in the campaign. And with drag popular. Although she dismissed re: “I have formed my family in Catalonia”, says to THE COUNTRY.


Citizens ‘ trust in the ‘effect Joined to’ to grow in Andalucía Citizens explodes in the campaign, the confrontation between pro-independence and andalusian Rivera claimed to Citizens as the political center in Andalusia

In the PP makes no grace that the leader of Catalan Citizens make campaign in Andalusia. The popular the fear. In the environment of Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla confess: “If I were the candidate, we had a problem”.

Joined smile to the girl’s mobile and is left wanting in the market, where the tenderas the call “heroin”. “Receive the affection of the people is always good. In Catalonia we receive much, where I have felt has been there, but also signs of hatred very amazing. I consider andalusian to me like, because also what I am, but my responsibility is in Catalonia”, she confessed after.

If he were the candidate, we had a problem,” admitted the PP

In the hem of the promotion 1998/1999 at the COLLEGE of the college of Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Jerez de la Frontera, a teenager Inés Arrimadas Garcia smiled with a grin like The mona lisa, between calm and enigmatic. Have the hair very curly, but is very similar to today. José Manuel Cidaz, director of the institute, a historic center concluded of the marianists, explains in the halls of the center that has heard of the fascination for the Catalan of the student who classmates described as a model. The institute is in an environment very straightforward, but for its tradition attracts people from all over the province. “We’ve had other students distinguished, as the former minister of Foreign affairs Alfonso Dastis or the one who presents a candidate for mayor here for the PP, Antonio Saldaña”, takes out her breast the director.

expand photo John Marin and Ines Arrimadas, in Seville. José Manuel Vidal EFE

In college, Joined “was rather quiet, shy, didn’t have that soul of a leader. All of that has been gaining with time. This Agnes was born in Catalonia, the Agnes andalusian was not so for nothing,” recalls one of his childhood friends.

Until the age of 25 was the Agnes andalusian. Arrimadas was born 37 in the town of cadiz Jerez de la Frontera, home of flamenco and Sherry wine, where they can still be found gentlemen who speak in spanglish. In a chalet-single family-white, with orange trees on the sidewalks, are still living with their parents, Rufino Joined, and Ines Garcia, who apologize for the telefonillo “that has already emerged throughout the history of the family in the press” and don’t want to talk more to journalists. They are native of Salamanca, that is why your daughter is not perceived so much the accent of andalusia. “I’ve been asked a lot here: girl, where are you? And I said, here, Sherry,” recalls she.

I consider andalusian to me like, because also what I am, but my responsibility is in Catalonia”

But after a few days of the campaign in Andalusia, in relaxed conversation —not so in the acts— you will note the stop. “My brothers and I we have a talk more fine, but I come here and it hits me a lot the accent”. In Seville he studied at the University Pablo de Olavide and now, that Gibraltar is back to foreground, remember that she lived in the Campo de Gibraltar, a year and a half in The Line of the Conception, working in a company of industrial services. Until 2006, there was in Catalonia.

That duality is a political advantage, because the projection of the leader of the opposition in the Parliament transcends the borders of Catalonia. At rallies in the campaign to the elections of December 2, he speaks of his roots. “I care a lot about what is happening in my land. I am andalusian and Catalan. The future of my parents, my friends, is here,” he says. Supporters chant “¡president, president!”, it is not known whether andalusian, Catalan, or of the whole of Spain.

The more you believe in the sorpasso is the PP. We also, but it is not the most important, but that we add to get to the PSOE”

Arrimadas has landed in the elections in andalusia with almost more presence Sahabet than Albert Rivera (which has affected his leg injury) to get a candidate with little pull. In the walk through Triana she is the respondent for the selfies, not Marin. “You can’t compare the level of knowledge with people who have a role national for quite some time,” he apologizes to her, despite the fact that Marin takes four years as a spokesperson in the andalusian Parliament. In the market of Triana, an older couple are about: “We are really close to Vic, we have come with the Imserso. You know what we have there, it endures as you can, do not leave us!, while she was just a chicharrón with the candidate, who do not claim. “You have to get a national monument, you can’t withstand your delicacy and elegance”, he caters to Joined to the shopkeeper.

The leader of Catalan Citizens discards return to their land of origin: “I see myself in Catalonia, my husband is Catalan, I have formed my family there. Now, 50 years I have left to me of life, I know, but yes, it is that Catalonia is my home. When I go to Catalonia and I’m learning Catalan is because I have the idea to stay and live there.” The question that hovers is also if the projection is Joined to the outside of Catalonia —and not less, at least in the community most populated— means that it might be a good candidate national. “There’s not even the most remote possibility, Albert has no rival”, zanjan in the party leadership, where the leadership of Albert Rivera is today unquestionable.

you must get a national monument, you can’t withstand your delicacy and elegance”, says a shopkeeper in the market of Triana

there are nuances in the speech of Joined with with respect to that which has marked the direction of the campaign. She resists time and time again to criticize Vox or discard it for compacts. “We don’t do the campaign in function of any party extraparlamentario. In 2015 I saw this same Joined, I remember the interviews. The doubt was to see who was going to support, and in the end did not enter in the Parliament. When you arrive on Sunday already we will see if Vox has representation, the problem in Andalusia are 40 years of PSOE”.

Or even enter Joined in censoring the pairmeaning of extreme right-wing when asked if, as a woman, don’t believe you have that combat to a training that advocates a repeal of the Law against gender-based violence. “What fight it is to make them the protagonists of all of the interviews or the discussions? I’m not going to do is what they want, the PSOE and the Vox, and make them the protagonists. Both are terrified with the input of Vox as that gives them the same thing, will agree to give them the protagonism of all of the interviews and headlines is what they want”, sash.

With its thrust, the Rivera, and the wear and tear of the PSOE and the PP, Citizens trust in to achieve the sorpasso to popular the 2 of December. “The more one believes in the sorpasso is the PP. We also, but it is not the most important, but that we add to get to the PSOE,” reflects Arrimadas. She shares the decision not to agree in any case with Susana Diaz: “For our part, we are not going to have any more chance”.

In the direction of the campaign argue that the agreement with the PSOE has been well appreciated by their voters, as proof of his growth in the polls. Despite this, the strategic decision is not to repeat it. In Triana, la Casa del cofrade Triana leaves a exvotante angry, that reproaches that are laid down with the PSOE and the protection of rights. “They are crouching to the left, if they’re not going to vote never!”, complains the woman. With calm, Joined to him replies: “I, bending over, a few times”.