the Ministry of The Interior has located in his files the first documentary evidence of the alleged diversion of funds reserved for the financing of the Operation’s Kitchen, with which it is spied without judicial control to the extesorero the PP Luis Barcenas. This is the original of the receive that the driver of Barcenas signed between 2013 and 2014 after you collect every month to 2,000 euros for its work confident. In some of these documents appears in manuscript the name of the curator, José Manuel Villarejo, as responsible of the deliveries.


the judge in The ‘case Villarejo’ called to declare to Barcenas in the investigation of the spying, the judge in The ‘case Barcenas’ calls to Inside information about an alleged “theft” to the extesorero of the PP, The Prosecutor’s office asks to impute to the former ‘number two’ of the Police and the exchófer of Barcenas

The judge Diego Egea, which investigates the corruption scheme headed by the commissioner Villarejo, opened a month ago a piece of secret about an alleged police operation —Operation Kitchen— launched in 2013 to spy on the extesorero the PP Luis Barcenas and his family. Of Egea started the investigation after receiving a report of the Internal Affairs unit of the Police which highlighted the active role that had Villarejo in those traces to Barcenas without judicial authorization.

the Kitchen is the seventh piece of the macrosumario of the case Villarejo, which keeps the commissioner in pretrial detention for the offences of criminal organisation, money laundering and bribery, but the first in the investigation of the activities of the police call patriotic, arising at the stage of Jorge Fernández Díaz at the front of the Interior to investigate political opponents of the PP.

The Operation Kitchen served to spy on both Barcenas during their stay in the prison of Soto del Real (Madrid) —he was jailed provisionally between June 2013 and January 2015— as your family, friends and, above all, to his wife, Rosalía Iglesias, later convicted in the case Gürtel. The aim of the plot police was to retrieve documentation compromising on the b-box of the PP whose documents revealed THE COUNTRY in January 2013.

The roles that found the Guardia Civil

the driver of The extesorero reported in 2014 to your driver in the Police that the women of Barcenas had gone to the home of the manager of the PP of Madrid, Beltran Gutierrez, currently accused in the case Punic by the alleged funding spot of the PP of Esperanza Aguirre. The confidant pointed to the possibility of that in this house the extesorero to hide documentation and goods. There is No evidence the Police did anything to check the veracity of what counted as a confidant.
however, in February of 2016, the Civil Guard —who was not aware of this information— discovered that it was true. During the registration that the Unit Central Operating (UCO) performed at home of the exdirigente of the PP in madrid by order of the then judge of the case, Betkanyon Punic, they found two binders and two small boxes with plenty of documentation of Barcenas and his wife. There were invoices, payment receipts and certificates of authenticity of jewelry. After lifted the secret of summary, after a year, the judge Of the Kills, instructor of the case of the papers of Barcenas, asked his companion copy of it.

The agents of Internal Affairs discovered this operating illegal following an analysis of the documentation seized in November 2017, in the home and in the office of the commissioner. In those records appeared photocopies of the receive who had allegedly signed the driver of the extesorero, Sergio Rios, for the payments received by their collaboration. In total, 48.000 euros, in addition to the alleged commitment of the leaders of the senior police officers to get the approval of the opposition to enter the National Police, as finally happened in July of 2015.

The transcend the commencement of the investigation, another accused in the case Villarejo, who is also the commissioner Enrique García Castaño, asked the magistrate to ask the Government permission to declare about these payments without violating the official secrets act. The judge Egea raised that request to the Government shortly after. The vice-president, Carmen Calvo, announced last week that the Council of Ministers will do this coming Friday. The judge also called to testify as witnesses to Barcenas and his wife. Another judge of the National court, Jose de la Mata, has asked Interior reports that you keep over the Operation of the Kitchen, as well as the identity of those responsible for the launched.

Tracking manual

The application of information from the two judges came to the Secretariat of State of Security, which, in turn, forwarded it to the General Directorate of the Police. This began a crawl of your files that, according to detailed sources, “has been complex.” While you are typing in the database the name of the Operation Kitchen, the computer system will not yield any result. The location of the receive had to be done in a way “manual”, added these sources.

After reviewing one by one the deliveries of funds reserved in the period in which the driver worked for the family Barcenas —the beginning of 2013 and end of 2014— were the receive of the original payments. All of them, signed allegedly by Sergio Rios. In some, in addition, appeared annotated by hand the name of the commissioner Villarejo, as the course in charge of the deliveries of money.

investigators did not rule out finding other deliveries of reserved funds because, in addition to the driver, the operation was attended with six other confidants, among them a prisoner of a south american origin that coincided in prison with the extesorero of the PP. Police sources detailed that, in a first moment, the aim of the Operation Kitchen was to achieve information on the whereabouts of the loot that Barcenas may have hidden in foreign countries to provide it to the police officers in charge of the case Gürtel. However, efforts ended up focusing on discovering the documentation binding to the PP and its leaders that could save the extesorero. The plot succeeded, thanks to the collaboration of the driver, make photocopies of bills, notes, and agendas of Barcenas. None of this can be incorporated into any summary.