For the second Time, German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Bundestag the members ‘ questions. The new Format had been written in the coalition agreement between the CDU, CSU and SPD festival and was celebrated in the June Premiere.

this time, Merkel for one hour, the questions of the parliamentarians. The survey began with a brief introductory statement, in which Merkel on the decisions of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. She praised Argentina as a good host and was satisfied that it managed to adopt a joint final communiqué. Also that there had been a Declaration on climate protection without the United States – was a success, as well as the decisions on the Reform of the multilateral trading system. The negotiations had been “extremely difficult and extremely long”, thus the result will give you a “degree of satisfaction”, said the Chancellor.

Also, you threw a glance on the eve of the EU summit in Brussels. With a view to the ongoing government crisis in the UK, the countries have 27 EU said, “the intention is to change the exit agreement”. Other topics of the summit was the Reform of the economic and monetary Union – more precisely, the completion of the banking Union, the Eurozone Budget as well as the development of the Euro rescue Fund, the ESM, in the direction of a European monetary Fund.

After the five-minute input Statement, the Chancellor the actual survey began. In contrast to the first edition in June, the questioner had the opportunity to ask to Ask what, specifically, the opposition deputies used consistently. Topics of the hour-long survey of the Brexit, the trade conflict with the United States, the Syrian civil war, the coverage rate of collective agreements in the retail trade and many other topics more. Merkel replied calmly to most of the questions calmly and in great depth of detail.

Strangely subdued mood in the Bundestag

the mood in the Bundestag was in Spite of the livelier Format of questions and answers strange behavior. So there was hardly any applause – neither the Question were of their groups supported the government applauded the groups for their Chancellor. In every “normal” Bundestag debate – and, a fortiori, in the case of a government Declaration by the Chancellor – is much more going on in the house.

So it was only twice a little more lively: So, as the Left-hand MEP Fabio De Masi went on to speak of the movement of the “yellow West” in France and their struggle for more social justice. In this context, di Masi wanted to know why the government profits, with France a tax on Share happy give – where the former Minister of Finance, Schäuble, however, have said that a tax only on the sale of shares was given the glut of other financial papers, nonsense.

Merkel: “I don’t disagree with my previous Finance Minister.” But that was at the moment in the European Union a majority. “The must also take the time,” she said, and continued: moreover, it was scandalous that De Masi lose not a word for the violence of the yellow West. The Rest of your answer was lost in the applause of the deputies.

Then De Masi took advantage of the new Instrument of the demand and referred to the explanation of his group to the “yellow West”, in their violence to be convicted. But immediately, Merkel went back in-between: The Declaration know you exactly you’ve read on the Internet and keeps it apparently is not sufficient.

laughter, applause, next question

De Masi, but doesn’t give up and asks again after the German-French tax plans. He cites the Bavarian Prime Minister Söder, which also holds anything from a pure equity tax. “Or you keep it as with the sentence, according to Adenauer: what I care about my chatter from yesterday?” De Masi to the Chancellor. And the dry: “you have not quoted me, but Mr Söder, is it?” Laughter, applause, next question. Difficult and tormented smiling De Masi drops hit on his chair.

A second debate has spread to Merkel shortly thereafter, with the AfD: To a question of the AfD’s Deputy Martin Hebner to the UN migration Pact, the Chancellor accuses the party of “false information, which are also very strong from their ranks”. And they stressed, among the EU countries, the number of those who have adopted the Covenant, is greater than the that have not adopted the Pact.

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survey of the Chancellor in the Bundestag Angela Merkel’s cooler Return

Robert pear

Hebner asks for and refers to some of the EU members, which have changed in the short term, your attitude to the Pact and not signed. Merkel interrupts and offers Hebner, together, through count – “and you will see that there are more than 14”. But then, after Hebner has formulated its demand to the end, apologizes to the Chancellor, to have interrupted him, but: “As a physicist, for me, the Numbers really the truth.”