the Bible has two accounts of Jesus ‘ birth. In Luke we find the christmas story where Joseph and the høygravide Maria must drag from his hometown Nazareth to Bethlehem for the pga. a census. However, according to the evangelist Matthew, lived the two at this time in Bethlehem.

When the child was born, they fled to Egypt because king Herod wanted to kill guttebarnet. First, when the king was dead, they returned to the Jødeland. This time they settled down in Nazareth, where Jesus grew up.

AUTHOR: Ronnie Johanson has written a book about Jesus. Show more

the Problem the evangelists faced forty to fifty years after the crucifixion, was to explain how a prophet from the insignificant provinsbyen the town of Nazareth in Galilee could be the Messiah. Bethlehem of Judea was the place the Messiah would come from, ” said Font. Moreover, had Jesus not done what the Messiah was supposed to do: liberate the jews from the hedningers dominance and restore the days of glory. He had on the contrary received the ynkeligste of all destinies, the crucifixion of christ.

Serious researchers are agree that both stories are fictional. The two evangelists knew not each other, and the only thing they agree on is that Jesus grew up in Nazareth with Joseph and Mary as parents.

For example, the Betlehemstjernen mentioned only by Matthew. Therefore, there is no reason to ask astronomers about lysfenomener in the sky in the period around our tidsregnings beginning to try to schedule the birth. There is also no reason to believe that Jesus must have been born no later in the year 4 bce, when Herod died. No sources other than Matthew can tell that he would kill all male children.

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Furthermore, among them Luke speaks about, unknown in the Empire’s history. And the roman census took place, of course, not on the somewhat awkward way that all the people had to lay out on the journey to the site of one of their ancestors came from a thousand years earlier.

year Jesus was born, we know not. So can we at all say anything about when it happened? Maybe a little bit. Luke may be right in that Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his ministry, and that John the baptist received his call “in the emperor Tiberius’ fifteenth regjeringsår”. This year started in the fall of 28. Jesus went to John to be baptized before he even began to preach.

the gospel of mark, suggests that he began as an itinerant preacher and healer first, after that John had been imprisoned. Although John had begun to baptize already towards the end of the year 28, we must reckon with the fact that it went at least a few months before Jesus had time both to hear about him, seek him out to become his disciple, to spend 40 days in the wilderness and then to start for themselves.

This can therefore at the earliest have occurred in the year 29 if we are to believe the evangelists; hardly more than a couple of years later. If Jesus was born in the year 1 bce, he filled 30 in year 30. (The calendar has no “year zero”.) We can therefore assume that he, after all, was born to fairly accurately by our tidsregnings beginning of the year.

But Jesus in it all lived? Many doubt it, but as good as no jesusforskere is among these. It is impossible to explain how christianity arose, if it hasn’t lived a prophet by the name (or rather the aramaic name “Jeshua”) that came in the damage to start it all. Even though it was never his intention to start a new religion. Jesus was to his death a pious, practicing jew, and so were his apostles.

– Warrior-Christ, we can call him the Newspaper Plus

Paul writes that he had met as well the apostle Peter as Jesus ‘ brother James. They told him about a prophet that they even had the poem up? Stories about Jesus are found in at least a dozen independent sources from the first century. This is more than for very many other historical persons from ancient times.

Some misjonsbefaling can Jesus impossible have come with; first and femst because it is contrary to everything he had said about the mission. The world would go under in a matter of a few years, therefore, there was not even time to bring the message of salvation out to all the cities of Israel (Matthew 10:23). Misjonsbefalingene in the gospels only gives expression to the theology that was prevalent in the evangelist’s own church at the time he wrote; at least thirty years after Jesus died.

In the first years after the crucifixion there were no christians, since the disciples still considered themselves as jews and lived as jews. They had not even permitted to associate with other than the jews (Ap.gj. 10; 28). Later they have been called “jødekristne”.

But they separate themselves from other jews first and foremost by the fact that they considered Jesus as the Messiah, the jewish liberator who would soon return to complete his deed when God created his kingdom on the earth.

To start a new religion was unthinkable. It was several decades before jesustroen in practice, had evolved into a separate religion, after the apostle Peter had changed his position: “God is no respecter of persons, but accept anyone who fears him and does right, what people he belongs to.” (Ap.gj. 10:34-5).

Is it possible to imagine that Jesus ‘ own apostles in the years were opponents of conducting a mission, if Jesus had asked them about it? The great commission is a falsum, placed in Jesus ‘ mouth in order to legitimize a practice that did not vote with his teachings. As the jewish scholar Geza Vermes says: “The only possible logical conclusion is that in order to legitimize the increasing number of non-jews in the Church, was fictitious words added at synoptikerne, where Jesus himself gives the order that the gospel shall utbres far outside the jewish world.” (With synoptikerne refers to Mark, Matthew and Luke.)

What was Jesus message? Not that he died to save you; this was what Paul claimed, long after his death. It as required to avoid the least pleasant of life’s two outputs, was to follow the law of moses. Many will probably refuse to believe me when I say that Jesus is the Bible’s only helvetesprofet. I therefore recommend to look up the word “hell” in a bibelordbok. It should cure the false hopes.

Ronnie Johanson is current with the book “JESUS – What the research says while the Church tier” , which essentially builds on the last thirty years of academic research.