After the deadly attacks on Israelis, it came to bloody clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians in the Middle East. An 18-year-old Palestinian near Ramallah in the West Bank, was killed, as the Ministry of health in Ramallah announced on Friday. The Israeli army did not comment initially. Check the appropriate reports, a spokesman said.

According to Palestinian reports, were injured in addition to dozens of people: 75 on the Gaza border and 50 in Nablus and Ramallah in the West Bank. The radical Islamic Hamas had declared Friday a “day of wrath”.

According to the Israeli army, some 10,000 Palestinians gathered at a plurality of points on the Gaza border. They would throw stones, grenades and a fire bomb in the direction of the soldiers, a spokesman said. The soldiers had responded with appropriate measures. Details, he did not.

the Israeli security forces had detained according to information from the army in the night of Friday, 40 suspicious persons. 37 of them were members of Hamas. Control points around the city of Ramallah, the administrative center of the Palestinians in the West Bank, stayed there, a spokesman said. The search for the assassin of the deadly attack on Thursday. A wounded soldier floated, according to a report by the Israeli television is still in life danger.

The Israeli army had sealed off Ramallah during the search of the suspected Palestinian bomber. This happened, according to Palestinian media, the first Time since the end of the second Intifada in the year 2005. In the attack on Thursday, to the North of Jerusalem had opened according to the Israeli army the attacker to fire on Israelis at a bus stop. Two soldiers died, one soldier and a civilian were injured.

Israeli members of the settler party called according to media reports, among other things, the closure of roads for the Palestinians, as well as the legalization of illegal outposts in the West Bank. A law should be introduced on Sunday in a Committee of the Parliament. Israel distinguishes between settlements built with government approval, and the illegal Outpost. According to international law all settlements are illegal.

Erdogan criticized Israel

The MPs put Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after a report in the “Times of Israel” an Ultimatum and threatened to overthrow the government. Netanyahu ruled with a thin majority of 61 to 59 mandates in Parliament. He is also Foreign and defence Ministers.

Netanyahu had announced as a response to the attacks, the Expansion of the Israeli settlements. He also explained that with the destruction of the homes of bombers families should faster be started within 48 hours. Hamas, committed suicide on Friday, their 31-year anniversary. “Hamas will do with their fight, until the desires are fulfilled by our people, especially freedom, the return (in areas in present-day Israel) and independence,” it said in a statement.

Palestinians behind burning barricades in the West Bank photo: JAAFAR ASHTIYEH / AFP

The Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan Israel criticized in a speech in Istanbul: “For the last 50 years, Israel is trying, with intention, the traces of the Islamic heritage in Jerusalem, to wipe out. You can’t extinguish.“ In the night from Wednesday to Thursday the Israeli security had been killed by forces of two suspected Palestinian bombers from the West Bank in the case of attempted arrests. Two more Palestinians were shot and killed, according to the army and the police with their own attacks.

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Christian Böhme Lissy Kaufmann

on Sunday, including a heavily pregnant woman had been injured in an attack in the Israeli settlement of Ofra seven Israelis, some seriously,. Three days later, her Baby died, the Doctors with an emergency C-section in 30. Week brought. Israel had conquered in 1967 in the six day war, including East Jerusalem and the West Bank. The Palestinians demand the territory for their own state of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital. (dpa)