7. December it was staged a demonstration in front of the Parliament against the UN migrasjonsavtale that the government would be to adopt a few days later. Most of the things that is of høgreradikale organizations, were present. Initiativtakar was Lena Andreassen, a former leader of the English Defence League.

Columnist Earl Wåge

is the debater, writer, and former winner of the tell-competition “Storyslam”. Photo: Sunniva Halvorsen

Last published post It is extremely serious that Per-Willy Amundsen is trying to write about the story I allow myself to play rasismekortet Regret no things Better has never been more brittle than now sitting each with its own monitor

Among talarane was between the other Max Hermansen, a member of the party the Democrats. He tried in the past to stack on the legs of a Norwegian branch of the rightwing, the German organisation PEGIDA.

Lars Thorsen, leader of the Stop islamiseringen of Norway (SIAN) was also on the talarlista. SIAN published in august 2018 a text by Arne Tumyr with the title “Islam enriches the Uk” where he claimed that Erna Solberg omfamnar islam, and the muslims their barbarous politics and ideology and that not only the prime minister, but the whole Parliament, understøttar Allah and Muhammad his army.

Ellen Dove Brynjulfsen delivered also some velvalde words to the turnout. She founded Selvstendighetspartiet and has participated as speak, on several SIAN-events around in Norway. One of the kjernesakene her is to ban Islam in the public rooms. So freedom of religion is definitely something she should not burn.

Only Jon Helgheim, the progress party’s immigration spokesperson, glimra with his absence. He stood on the talarlista, but was forhindra from the meeting. Instead, he sent a greeting that was read out during the event. “We stand together in the fight for National Selvråderett and against the Un migrasjonsplattform,” was his oppmuntrande pep-words to their kumpanar.

It is, of course, entirely legitimate to go on barrikadane in the fight against the united nations say migrasjonsplattform. But it is, to put it mildly, a bit of a bunch of Helgheim has a natural harbour on the team.

It happens a høgreradikalisering in the western world. Høgrepopulistiske party is gaining momentum in country after country, and on social media, it is in the process to be legitimate to be racist, antisemitt and to promote the fascist point of view. At the same time brings it up høgreradikale fjesbokgrupper, online newspapers and blogger where such ideas are the heath up.

In 1995, the progress party politician Øystein Hedstrøm speak at a secret meeting of rightwing at Godlia Kino in Oslo. It was well an uproar when it was revealed by the journalists Arne Holm, Cato Vogt-Kielland and Thor Gjermund Eriksen. Avsløringa send sjokkbølgjer to the whole political environment. Current partileiar in the progress party, Carl I. Hagen, reacted immediately to give Hedstrøm muzzle and asserting that he had made a brølar. Something he, by the way, later moderated to say that Hedstrøm had participated in the meeting as a private citizen.

It frightening is that today hardly anyone hevar a augebryn that a postmodernist mode of writing progress party politician is on the talarlista in a demonstration organized by the høgreradikale groups. A politician who tells them that he stands together with them in the fight.

I have not seen that man in the conservative party-the lead has gone out and criticized Helgheim to fraternisere with høgreradikale groupings. Not even when, as in this case, happens in full offentlegheit. We are many who over time have oppfordra the Right to take a powerful oppgjerd with the outer right-powers in and outside the party, but it sit tydelegvis aeons far to do it.

Local progress party politician accused Erna for treason. the
I take it not very heavy, ” says Jon Engen-Helgheim

In connection with the Norge Monday was to adopt the united nations say migrasjonsplan in Marrakech in Morocco, has brought strong reactions on social media. Nestleiaren in Arendal Frp, Maurith Julie Fagerland, beat to with to should the government and the prime minister of treason worse than they were for those who did knefall for the germans during the second world war.

When Jon Helgheim was asked to comment on the utspelet from partifellen, was the response of his that this he took the not so heavy, but he would have used other words. An increasingly common reaction from blåblå politikararar when they are asked to comment on other their utspel, and a nice way to say that one is actually einig.

We’ve got a høgreradikalt brother – and sisterhood in our community. Rightwing extremist groups, as the former lived in hiding, shows the bold and brash his true face. They set each other bring suit increasingly more often and take bigger and bigger place in public venues and in public debate.

And the grace of the one who had to try to drawn in parallels to the developments we saw in Europe in the 1930s. Critics effectively said: “this day with hersketekniske policy instruments as “landsforrædar, quisling, the elite’s contempt for the oppressed, the overthrow of the Norwegian and christian values, you plays rasismekortet, bullying, harassment”.

Høgreradikalismen is not the only rising, but is also in the process of being stuerein. It happens in an almost invisibly turns process. Haldningane spreads as pollution.

With risk to be accused of both “brunbeising and hitling” of kommentariatet, dare I say that not in any way to stop this development that established politicians such as Jon Helgheim helps to give legitimacy to the organisations that are the voice of the extreme ideas.

“You must not sleep,” wrote Arnulf Øverland. Then you didn’t it is to just do only that. Sleep. But not the heck. We have to take one for the team and fight against these forces as best we can.

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