”Bää, bää, bää”, twenty pre-school children jumping enthusiastically up and down. Around eighty newborn baby lambs lie dormant with their mothers in the hay and wonder for sure what is going on.
It is my son’s förskolas annual excursion to the neighboring village to watch the farmers ‘ newborn lambs. The children screeching wildly of joy but I can only think of a Brexit.
Something I do not of course mention the other ditkommenderade parents.
You don’t want to spoil the mood.
out of the EU without an agreement would just tvångsslakt of large quantities of lamb to be a probable consequence. Leaving the country of the EU in this chaotic manner, it may take up to six months before the british will again be able to export food to the rest of Europe.
It will be devastating for the british fårbönderna and it is, therefore, as a british parliamentarian’s right distasteful jokes about organising a giant ”Brexit-barbecue” goes through my head during the whole pre-school outing.
It was, however, in Tuesday. And, yesterday, voted the uk parliament to postpone the Brexit. Just to avoid a crash out of the EUROPEAN union on the 29th of march.
Together with the financial sector? The manufacturing sector? The whole business has been waking at night in distress as the political chaos has increased in the parliament?
Well, it remains to be seen.
Prime minister Theresa May must first formally apply for an advanced Brexit and the EU’s other member states must approve.
The basic problem that however remains is what a prominent Brexit will actually accomplish. Parliament in London seem unable to agree on any of the options are: Theresa Mays, negotiated contracts, set Brexit, calling for a new election, or declare a second referendum.
Will any of this change just to Brexitprocessen will be extended for a couple of months?
therefore, voted to postpone the Brexit, it was in a highly chaotic manner. An illustration of this is how others Brexitministern, Stephen Barclay, voted against the government’s line to shoot up the Brexit. This is the same Stephen Barclay as the next week will go to Brussels with the prime minister and ask the EU to just shoot on the date.
Despite the fact that he clearly does not even believe in the strategy.
It is as if the Swedish finance minister Magdalena Andersson would put themselves and vote against their own budget and then happily deal with trying to implement it.
the Bizarre thing is just the beginning. So little testing has Theresa May apparently over their own government. Or this country.
the Lambs in the neighbouring village can not relax. Not yet.
”Bää, bää, bää.”
Pia Gripenberg: Theresa May survived by a whisker
a British soldier was prosecuted after ”Bloody Sunday”