exactly two years ago, I was out in a field and filmed a video for the BBC’s news programmes Newsnight. Theresa Mays, the government had just activated article 50 of the Lisbon treaty meant that the united kingdom two years later, on the 29th of march 2019, would leave the EU. I had like a couple of other european journalists were asked to respond to this in tv and I don’t remember what I said, only that my then one-year old son insisted on trying to be in the picture.

Today, he is three years old.

and absolutely nothing happened. It is this that is the paradox.

On the one hand, the Uk has enjoyed almost uninterrupted political drama in two years. Who has resigned today? What do the northern irish protestants? What like Jeremy Corbyn? What does the latest compromise regarding the customs union? What is the parliamentary mechanism from the 1800s, will set to it this time?

Every day something happens that will be commented on, analysed and make someone furious. The buzz from this ever-flowing political soup has drenched all of the other issues in british politics in over two years.

at the same time have actually absolutely nothing happened of substance. After two years there is no clarity on what form of Brexit the Uk would like to have, or can implement.

the Situation is and seems to remain locked.

in the british Brexitinbördeskriget: those who want to have a hard Brexit, those who want to have Theresa Mays Brexitavtal, those who want a soft Brexit and those who want to have a second referendum on the Brexit. All of these groups are sitting and waiting for another group to compromise. But it never occurs.

Thus moves the process not moving forward.

the Uk would have left the EU on the 29th of march 2019.

that was not The case.

the european Parliament has voted no to a hard Brexit, they voted no to set the Brexit, they voted no to all so far presented variations of Brexit and the only färdigförhandlade agreement currently able to deliver Brexit.

Three times.

where you started: you have a folkomröstningsbeslut that the Uk should leave the EU, but nothing more. And unlike two years ago, it was not the time. If nothing happens, the Uk will crash out of the EU in two weeks. Such a avtalslös hard Brexit is expected to lead to chaos, economic crisis, and the risk of food and medicinbrist.

around two–three years ago it sounded completely different. ”The trade negotiations will be the easiest in the history of humanity”, claimed the conservative brexitören Liam Fox. ”The day after we vote to leave the EU we will sit with all the cards in the hand,” predicted the current agriculture minister Michael Gove.

He tipped them as likely successors to ms Theresa May.

sounded during the debate on Friday as she opened the door for a new election. Positioneringarna in preparation for the upcoming partiledarstriden in her conservative party is also being thus, for the full. Thus, the Uk will soon certainly be back at square one: a new prime minister and a new parliament, who might get a chance to try to solve this with Brexit.

With emphasis on ”maybe”.

The irony is that all this right now is up to the EU. The uk voted to leave the EU because it wanted to ”regain their independence”. Two years later, have put themselves in a situation where, in principle, is entirely up to the other EU countries to decide whether the country shall be granted any extension of Brexitprocessen, all to avoid a hard Brexitkrasch on 12 april.

”Why continue Theresa May to hold the vote in parliament when it does not look like that her contract has a chance to go through?” asked a journalist on just the BBC’s Newsnight.

And the british minister replied: ”Fuck knows. I’m beyond caring.”

It sums up the feelings of many right now.

Read more: EU calls for summit after the british vote

After the parliament’s no to Brexitavtalet – it can happen now

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