It depends – partly – on whether you’re working in the public sector or within the industry, ” says arbetsrättsjuristen Anne Alfredson on the LO/TCO Property, which is itself in the labour court representing employees whose moonlighting the employer wanted to ban.

the basic Premise of the whole labour market, is the loyalty with the employer.

– In your private life you basically do what you want, but all that may mean that your loyalty is being questioned can punish themselves, ” says Anne Alfredson.

Of Sweden’s four million professionals operates around one-tenth own part time business. Others work evenings and weekends with another employer. It can be about doctor who is hyrdoktorer or have their own commercial companies on the side. But also if bemanningsanställda at several different temporary agencies and hourly employees in the retail sector, who want to have more hours for another employer. Or onlinejobb and plattformsgig.

People think that The employment tribunal’s reasoning is really weird. The hear and say we should have more police officers who engage

be on the leisure chair in a non-profit organization, Hand in Hand for women’s welfare, which she also founded. There sat the employer, the Police department, received. And in the summer hit the labour court held that the activity was not compatible with her role. The reasoning was that the public could come to question not only Jenny Eriksson’s impartiality, but also her colleagues. Because the police handle cases with opposing interests – both the one that has been a victim of a crime and who are suspected of a crime.

Then it played no role that Jenny Eriksson in his work is mainly managed passärenden, parkeringsfrågor and seized goods. The police pointed out that she also sometimes sits at the reception and there is a kind of the Police’s face.

– People think that the police authority and The employment tribunal’s reasoning is really weird, ” says Jenny Eriksson and continues:

– The hear and say rather, we should have more police officers involved, says Jenny Eriksson, who had hoped to be able to stay in the police professions for retirement.

Police Jenny Eriksson is looking for a new job. Photo: Private

Now she seeks a new job. Where she hopes to resume her volunteer work in Hand in Hand for the imbued.

prohibiting the Law on public employment, LOA, förtroendeskadliga sidelines. Thus, the employment, assignment, or activity that may discredit the employee’s impartiality, or damage the authority’s reputation. The collective agreement also prohibits the arbetshindrande and competing secondary employment.

– It applies to all public sector workers, for example cleaners, although, of course, the police, judges or administrators at the social Insurance office and other engaged in the exercise of public authority is deemed harder, ” stresses Anne Alfredson.

a teacher, work for another employer that does that they will be late to their classes. A competing secondary employment can be to start a business that provides the kind of services that you already perform with your regular employer.

Similar rules apply to you as an employee of a private employer, even if the business lacks specific legislation on moonlighting. In the private sector are governed more by collective bargaining agreements and employment contracts. It is fundamental that you do not expose your employer for the competition, or override the employer’s interests. Many workplaces also have their own code of conduct.

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