On Thursday evening, parliament shall vote on whether to ask the EU for an extension of the förhandlingstid. The government would ask the honourable members to first vote ” yes ” to a ”technical” extension to 30 June – but only under the condition that the parliament no later than next Wednesday to accept Mays utträdesavtal. It would be the third vote on the proposal.
First, however, the parliament vote on four amendments that would overturn the prime minister’s agenda:
1. New referendum on Brexit.
2. Let the parliament take over the entire Brexitprocessen from next week.
3. The labour party’s proposal for the extension to reach the majority for a different solution than the Theresa May put forward.
4. Stop the government from re-presenting Theresa Mays proposals previously voted down.
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with the dramatic Brexit-votes just this this week.
on Tuesday voted to the house of commons for the second time if the prime minister Theresa Mays proposals to utträdesavtal. The proposal was voted down by 149 votes majority. At the first vote in January, the margin was historically large, with 230 votes.
Wednesday marked a new setback for prime minister. Then voted by the house of commons with a narrow majority unexpectedly yes to a proposal at the parliament for all the future say ‘ no ‘ to Brexit without a contract. The prime minister had wanted to see a milder and more wrapped formulation.