His story is inconsistent and he will be questioned. I think that when you add the event at the iconic site of the Notre-Dame-the fire this week and all the publicity around it, ” says police chief John Miller to the press.

the 37-year-old from Saint Patrick’s cathedral in Manhattan at 20 o’clock on the Wednesday and on the way out spilling the he of gasoline on the ground, which caused the guard to warn the two police officers outside the building. The man claimed that he would walk through the church to its otankade car, but when it is established that the car was fuel and arrested the man.

Police confiscated 15 litres of petrol, two bottles of lighter fluid and two grilltändare. The mayor and other representatives of the city of New York has expressed his gratitude to the police flexible intervention that may have prevented yet another cultural disaster in a roman catholic cathedral during easter week.
