Manuel Valls , the former French prime minister who introduces himself as “independent candidate” in Barcelona in the upcoming municipal elections —although it is the head of the cartel of Citizens, has given this Wednesday in an interview in the program of the Cadena SER Today, directed by Pepa Well, in which he said that the party led by Albert Rivera may not agree with Vox in Andalusia. “I’m sure the convictions of Citizens. Do you have covenanted Citizens and Vox? No. Not especulemos with these things. There can be no covenant with Vox,” said the former socialist prime minister French.


DIRECT Direct elections in andalusia: first movements in search of the covenants of the endowment Boycott of Manuel Valls in the Raval of Barcelona

After the electoral result in Andalucía, in which the right and the extreme right add up to a majority for the first time since the return of democracy with the 26 deputies of the PP, the 21 Citizens and 12 Vox —the majority are in 55 seats—, the parties with parliamentary representation, remain standing for possible covenants to govern the community after 36 years of the PSOE to the front of the regional Executive. “The sensible thing to do is agreement between the parties, constitutionalists,” said Valls this morning, and added: “there is No other solution than to agree, and that the president Sanchez Casinomaxi and the PSOE should understand it for what it is Andalusia.”

The statements by Valls arrive a day after around thirty people for a boycott a press conference of his in the neighbourhood of el Raval of Barcelona. With flags esteladas, antisfascistas and posters in favour of freedom of expression, the group of critics shouted insults and slogans against the candidate for mayor of Barcelona while it was trying to continue with his speech. Valls had to leave the neighborhood escorted by the Guardia Urbana.

in Addition, the Executive of Citizens meets this Wednesday to decide on a formula to forge a pact with the PP that lead to a “Government of change” led by John Marin in Andalusia and that is not blocked by the PSOE. Both the PP as Citizens are open to agreements with the extreme right party, although they both aspire to become the president of the Board. The now acting president, the socialist Susana Diaz, has also been postulated as a candidate, despite his strong kick, and is offered as a dam to contain the Vox. This Tuesday, the secretary of Organization of the PSOE, José Luis Ábalos, showed the support of the leadership of the party to Diaz to try a endowment. A day earlier, Abalos had raised the “necessary regeneration” of the PSOE in andalusia.