the Vatican is one of the largest gay communities in the world. It says the sociologist and journalist Frédéric Martel who wrote a book of 600 pages, which was preceded by four years of infiltration into the Vatican. According to Martel, the vast majority of cardinals to be homosexual, but live out their sexuality in many different ways, ”it is Fifty Shades of Gay,” he says.

now, ended up on the tidningsredaktionerna, and in the new issue of the ”Nouvel Obs” (21 -27/2 2019) is the large open. Martel, himself gay, has previously been an advisor to, among others, prime minister Michel Rocard, and has written a number of works on the conditions of homosexuals in France and elsewhere in the world. He believes that the catholic church made a historic mistake when not allowing condoms, while 37 million died of aids.

”Sodoma”, according to the story, have quickly become ”the secret book on the bedside table of the amounts of the divines”.