The climate hardens on the Canebière in the last line of the municipal elections. Shaken up by allegations of fraud weighing on his campaign, while a preliminary investigation was opened by the public prosecutor of Marseille relating to proxies, Martine Vassal returns the charges on its competitors.

Monday, four colistiers of the candidate of the Republicans have organized a press conference to invite the justice to expand the scope of its investigation. Martine Vassal had asked them to put in place a commission of oversight on all sectors of the city to analyze the treatment of proxies in each sector.

José Allegrini, former president of Marseille (co-candidate in the 4th sector), Stéphane Sotto, spokesman ( 2nd sector), general David Galtier, head of the list, 7th sector) and Frédéric Collart (4th) exposed the first results of their research, seven days before a second round of one that promises to be tight between the right and the Spring in marseille Michèle Rubirola.

In a summary document in which the was able to take knowledge, the colistiers Vassal rely on the list of proxies that are recorded by the city of Marseille and denounce the ” unbelievable things “. For example, they point out a rate “spectrum” of proxies in the 1st and 7th arrondissements, or the year 1371 on the 6998 recorded by the city. They also claim that “more than 2300 proxies” have been filed after 1 march.

The friends of Vassal rely also on the list-sign held in the prefecture to check on the 4th and 5th arrondissements. “What was not our surprise to discover at the office of the Falls in Life a series of proxies entrusted to the supporters of a nomination,” they write in wonder of the fact that powers of attorney have been filed by “tens” on the same day for people from the “same residence” (24 February 20, according to them). “Either the procedure has not been respected, either all of these people have rented a car to get to the office ! “, they add in the document of the european commission, where they also wonder whether a high level of proxies in some offices (402 and 442). “The impact on the 4th and 5th districts are huge for our camp, our candidate is not in the second round for the 63 voice “, are speaking out-they announced that they intend to enter the prosecutor of a complaint against the “maneuvers” and to file an action for annulment.

The counter-attack Vassalistes continues with questions about a long-term care facilities of the 6th sector (Our Lady of Compassion) or on the communication tools used by their competitors in the PS and in the Spring of Marseille offering of “wear” of the proxy instead of the constituents.

finally, if the colistiers do not preclude the possibility of having committed errors, they ask the justice to be “objective” and consider the problem of proxies in a broader whole. “If in our camp, some have failed, the candidate (Vassal) has very clearly expressed that it will be without detail,” say the candidates. They call for two immediate steps : an audit by the State of all proxies “set out in the panic,” before the containment and clarification on the “recent changes” of the proxy rules. “And if it is necessary to clean the stables of Augias, then let’s go “, conclude the partners of Martine Vassal before to announce the continuation of their ” investigations “.

Municipal in Marseille : suspected of fraud, the Vassal (LR) requested the cancellation of all powers of attorney

The editorial team conseilleMunicipales in Marseille: weakened, Martine Vassal against-attaqueSujetMartine Vassal9 commentairesclubmen clubmenle 22/06/2020 20:46

As usual, the denunciation -at the initiative of the left – do not hit the right, -justice does not have especially not had the curiosity -of course – to go and see what had happened to the left…
And the investigations relate only to the right…
We wait with curiosity that the Prosecutor’s office, the prefectural authorities and the justice épanchent, claiming that it is now too late to act !
where it took 48 h for Sarkozy and Fillon to open a preliminary investigation, initiate a procedure and charge, in emergency, in the wake…

Arcusgile 22/06/2020 20:29

Those who live in Marseille are perfectly aware that the “proxies” are the national sport of all of the parties where the left, especially the PC, are the masters. Request a survey for all seems to me to be a good decision, because they all have corpses in their closets.

Königsbergle 22/06/2020 20:00

Big string.

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