She gets on the bus and sits down in the closest time. On the other seat she sets her schoolbag. When the other passengers get on, it is clear that she fits the place to someone. At the last stop before the highway gets her friend on.

even before she had time to sit, they start to talk.

” did you? she asks.

– Yes!

They smile happily at each other. Soon, I understand what the call is about. For the first time, have a go at a game of football with Hammarby together – without their parents.

They talk about where they should be and what songs they should sing. It is clear that they want to be a part of the heel on Sunday when Hammarby face Djurgården in the Swedish cup quarter-finals at Tele2 arena.

in Gothenburg, sweden, told similar stories about teenagers who last week would stand in the heel for the first time when IFK Gothenburg and Gais was met in the cup. The match was a great party, with exceptional intensity and pitch both in the stands – in a half.

Then took the fire and the smoke.

13 seconds into the second half of the game started the bombardment from IFK Gothenburg klacksektion. Total managed almost 600 rockets and firecrackers toward the pitch. Gais goalkeeper hearing problems of a knallskott that was close to him. The match was interrupted and resumed are not.

At the Tele2 arena, the ceiling will be closed on Saturday. If the commander turns on will the arena be filled with foul-smelling fog.

really for that Sunday’s match can be a single large derbyfest. Stockholmslagens supporters have the ability to create the atmosphere of absolute world class in his matches. But a number of individuals have also, time after time ruined the experience for many of the other spectators.

“I intend to sing higher than ever,” says one of the girls when they get off at Londonviadukten to change the bus.

Hope it is their song which will be heard on Sunday. Not the dataröst that in case of a fire at the Tele2 arena invites spectators to vacate the arena.

Martin Fransson is the director of sports at the daily News and began to go to the football when the hard klacksupportrarna liked to smuggle in båttutor in the stands. Read also his chronicle about the hunt for mobile charging in the storm Alfridas track .