It has stormed around the social democrats in Gothenburg during the winter. First, the deposed mayor, the former chairman, Ann-Sofie Hermansson from his post as group leader. Ago, Anna Johansson, the previous minister, that she will be leaving the distriktsbas.

On Tuesday, the nomination committee presented its name as Johansson’s replacement. It is the parliamentarian Mattias Jonsson, who sits in the industry and also is the deputy of the minister of justice and trafikutskottet. He sits today in the district board and is the electrician who did the trade union career of the IF Metall in Gothenburg and at Volvo AB.

in such a mission, I look forward to developing it that needs to be developed in our district. A trade union-political cooperation is very important, and where I feel that can help with an inclusive leadership, ” said Jonsson when he on Monday, was interviewed at an event in Gothenburg, organised by the newspaper the Pilot.

He also describes himself as responsive and solution-oriented.

the Choice of the district takes place on 6 april. After the great turmoil in the party, the nomination committee proposes at the same time, major changes in the board of directors.

Jonsson, born in 1974, has also been mentioned as a possible replacement for Ann-Sofie Hermansson, however, if he is elected to the district, it is no longer possible. Instead, the Jonas Attenius sailed up as a favorite. Also, he has a trade union background and has worked as a carpenter. Then in 2016, he has been deputy mayor.

with a good relationship with the red-green parties, who’s in Gothenburg during the Ann-Sofie Hermansson came to distance themselves from. In the election, lost the social democrats to power after 24 years in Gothenburg, sweden, now governed by a valteknisk the interaction between the bourgeois parties and the V, MP and Fi.