It was before the factory workers in Stoke-on-Trent, where 69.4 per cent voted in favour of brexit, as the prime minister’s speech on Monday. Century, the day before the british house of commons will vote on the 587-page document that Theresa May has negotiated with the EU on the exit.

As it looks now expected May lose the vote among the 650 mps.

a non-Brexit would pose a ”catastrophic and unforgivable betrayal of trust in our democracy”.

– I ask honourable members to consider the consequences of their actions in the light of the trust they were given by the british people, ” says May, referring to the conservatives as the Labour party promised to follow the voice of the people in the referendum in 2016.

She also says that it is more likely that the parliament stops the Brexit entirely than to members allows a hard Brexit without a contract. A avtalslös Brexit would mean that the 21-month-long transitional period in which the government negotiated.

– There are those in Westminster who want to delay or even stop the Brexit and will use all the means they have available, ” says May.

members of the house, and ten members from the Democratic Unionistpartiet is expected to make common cause with Labour and the other opposition parties and vote against the agreement, according to the BBC.

On the other hand, said four stubborn brexitmotståndare in the Tories that they have shifted and are now coming to stand behind Mays agreements with the EU, writes the BBC.

Katrine Marçal: Brexit has divided the united kingdom into two rival tribes

Later on Monday, will Theresa May deliver a speech in the parliament. She is expected to focus on new policies from the EU if our backup plan is going for the border between the EU-the country of Ireland and british northern Ireland.

In a letter to Theresa May, which was published before the century, says the EU council president Donald Tusk and commission president Jean-Claude Juncker that the EU can’t go on any changes in the agreed brexitavtalet. They also write that the EU does not wish to our backup plan is going around the border to northern Ireland to be needed, but if so, it should not be used longer than necessary.

the EUROPEAN union on 29 march, regardless of whether there is agreement or not. The latter scenario can hit hard on the uk economy, warn several analysts.

52 per cent of the uk electorate voted to leave the EU in a referendum in 2016. 48% in order to remain.

Read more: This happens if the Uk crashes out of the EUROPEAN union