The “war crimes against the palestinians” have entered the discourse on the Day of the Memory of the president of the municipal Council of Turin, Francesco Sicari . And explodes the controversy, with Fabrizio Rich , which is the parent league in the Red Room and the regional councillor, who replies: “the Goons would have done better to be silent”.

Taking the word in the Red Room during the celebrations of the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the exponent 5stars and chairman of the Council recalled, without mentioning it, the behavior of the State of Israel vis-à-vis the palestinians: “The attorney for the head of the international criminal Court in the Hague, Fatou Bensouda, announced it had opened an investigation for war crimes in the palestinian territories. He wrote: ‘I Am convinced that there is a reasonable basis to initiate an investigation on the situation in Palestine pursuant to article 53-1 of the Constitution. In summary, I am convinced that war crimes have been or are being committed in the west bank, especially east Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip’ “.

strong Words in a context such as that of the commemorations of the Shoah, but they were accompanied by a reference to the danger anti-semitism: “About 1 european out of 4, 25% of the population – said the Goons – feeds ‘strong negative attitudes toward jews. This was revealed by a survey on anti-semitism carried out in Europe, Canada, South Africa, Argentina and Brazil between April and June of 2019 on a commission of the Anti-Defamation League, a jewish organization international. In Europe, in the west there are a few changes, but the centre and to the east there is, compared to 2015, a strong increase of bias anti-jewish: Poland (+11%), Ukraine (+14%), Russia (+8%). Also in Hungary the percentage is growing. But dropped significantly in Italy and Austria,” added Sicari. “

“Both texts – concludes the president of the municipal Council of Turin – they have made grow in me the fears and fears. In the first essay, there emerges the strong concern regarding the continued growth of anti-semitism in some areas of Europe, a situation that could, again, put in danger the life of human beings. In the second song, however, the concern that arises is different, although very similar, or perhaps the natural consequence of the first: to be precise, the possibility for you to make sure war crimes, acts that are always and however at the expense of human lives.”

Words that have given rise to the league’s Rich: “quite Frankly, I believe inappropriate words uttered by the president of the municipal Council of Turin, who, in the course of operations on the Day of the Memory, decided to attack the State of Israel, not talking about the persecution of the jews but of the alleged ‘war crimes’ committed by Israel itself – says the leader of the League – There are places where you can talk about the geopolitical and times and places where it makes more sense to keep silent, instead, that attacked a democratic State that gave refuge to the victims of the horrors that we had to remember today.” © Reproduction reserved