Immediately before the American midterm elections this Tuesday, there are increasing signs that Donald Trump will run for the presidency again. “I’m going to make a very big announcement in Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, November 15,” Trump said Monday night at the end of a rally in Dayton, Ohio.

Trump did not elaborate on what kind of “announcement” he intends to make in his adopted home of Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump went on to say, “We don’t want anything to distract from the importance of tomorrow.” According to US media, Trump, speaking to confidants, had considered announcing a renewed bid for a presidential candidacy in 2024 at Monday’s rally. Trump has been hinting at such a statement for weeks without making any binding statements.

According to polls, the Republicans expect several victories in the midterm elections this Tuesday. There are indications that the Republicans can win a majority in the House of Representatives. The Democrats have held the majority in the first chamber of Congress since 2018. President Joe Biden’s party could also lose its razor-thin majority in the Senate. The Republicans also hope to take several governorships from the Democrats.

So far, it is unclear whether there would be opposing candidates within the party if Trump were to run again for the 2024 election. So far, the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, is said to have an interest in the presidential candidacy. But would DeSantis, 44, who is likely to be confirmed in office on Tuesday, also risk an inner-party campaign against the unprincipled Trump? Trump had made fun of DeSanti’s last name on Saturday and mocked him as “Ron hypocritical”. On Monday night, he very narrowly called for DeSantis to be re-elected governor. DeSantis avoids mentioning Trump’s name in his speeches. The relationship between the two men is considered poisoned.

Former Vice President Mike Pence is also one of the previous possible candidates for a Republican presidential nomination. Relations between Trump and Pence have been strained since Pence refused to tip the 2020 election result in Trump’s favour. Under Pence’s leadership, Congress certified Joe Biden’s election victory on January 6, 2021. Trump claims to this day that he won the election and that it was “stolen” from him. During a nearly 100-minute speech on Sunday in Miami (Florida), he referred to his alleged victory in 2020 seven times.

Trump, 76, would be 78 in the 2024 presidential election and 82 at the end of the four-year term. President Biden turns 80 this month. Biden currently has similarly poor approval ratings as Trump during his term in office (2017 to 2021).

During his Monday night speech, Trump attacked Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose husband Paul, 82, had recently had his skull cracked in by a man with Trump sympathies. Pelosi is an “animal,” Trump said to applause from his fans. The Democrat has filed impeachment proceedings against him twice, Trump said to justify his abusive criticism.