cancer mortality actually sinks slightly when you look at the åldersjusterade figures. Many of the cancers that is increasing much has comparatively high survival rate, for example, skin cancer and thyroid cancer. An exception that stands out from the crowd is lung cancer in women, which both increases greatly and has very poor survival, ” says David Pettersson, investigator at the Swedish national Board of health in a press release.

10.300 men, and 2,300 people died as a result of prostate cancer. Breast cancer affected over the same period 7.800 women. There is far more suffering than dying of cancer, and the risk of contracting the disease increases for most cancers with rising age. sta cancers with rising age.

Most deaths among women, however, was lung cancer with 1.900 deaths. About as many men died of lung cancer. Other examples of cancers that causes many deaths is colon cancer and cancer of the pancreas.

recommend to the health Board that the thick – and ändtarmscreening should be provided by the health care system, which today is only carried out in Stockholm and Gotland. From 2019, the idea is that screening should be offered in the whole country.

Our travel to sunnier countries are believed to influence the number of cases with cancer is on the rise. The most common form is basal cell carcinoma, a slow-growing cancer that rarely produces metastases. 2017 was reported about 54,000 cases of basal cell carcinoma for 40.000 individuals to basalcellscancerregistret, according to the health Board.

cervical cancer, both incidence and mortality of cervical cancer have gone down dramatically after the introduction of screening in the end of the 1960s, and was stable, but in recent years, there has been increased slightly. According to David Pettersson occur most of the cases in women not participating in screening.

– Participation in the screeningprogrammet gives a very strong protection, ” says David Pettersson in a statement.

cervical cancer is done on women between the ages of 23 to 70 years. The most common cause of cervical cancer is the virus HPV (papilloma virus). Since autumn 2010, is offered to girls in grade five and six vaccination within the framework of the national vaccination programme. There is also a discussion on the national level that offer the vaccine, even for boys.

Read more: genetic testing will give patients the chance to prevent disease

the Article has been added to a correction. The number of people dying from cancer has not decreased between 2016 to 2017. However, mortality decreased with respect to the age of the population.