The Netflixaktuella cleaning and organiseringsgurun Marie Kondo must kvillra a little extra high on the japanese over a film like ”Britt-Marie was here”.

The phantom Britt-Marie is a städpionjär already swept and cleared through a seemingly stendött, fyrtioårigt marriage when we meet her.

without the slightest pekfingeravtryck, check. Nystärkta shirts for the husband, check. Cleaners that are on parade in the cabinets, check. Dinner on table at six o’clock every evening, check… And just that, ajöss with the of diners that once committed helgerånet to try to ”help” but created disorder in the cutlery drawer.

and with her old, time-tested husmorsknep is a bit trendy in the day. ”Bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and lemon is the solution to everything”, nuts and Britt-Marie decided.

the Bicarbonate turns out to work quite poorly as problemfixare when her husband Kent (a mustascherad, jagsvag Peter Haber) is forced to uncover a say the least disorderly love life at the side of the marriage.

”Britt-Marie was here is” based, like ”A man called Ove” by Rolf Lassgård, on a bestseller by Fredrik Backman, which specializes in a kind of anachronistic folkhemstyper on the operation of the multicultural Sweden.

, forced to Britt-Marie (sur tant in the coat) out on a transformative life journey of trying to reinvent itself in tune with modern society.

In her case, the involuntary trip to the small town of Borg, and a bunch of kids in desperate need of in the first instance, a football coach, and in the other hand of a youth leader. Britt-Marie adopts the hesitant challenge.

You have to make an effort a lot of with the image of a 63-year-old today who has been a housewife all her life, and barely went further than the Ica Maxi. Unfortunately you do not get much for it.

Pernilla August struggling in order to give life to its burly, boxy lady, and manages at times to convey a disarming dose of black humor when it comes to Britt-Marie and her relentless fight against filth and chaos. But regardless of whether she manages to give the village bad football team the spark again or not, so this never happens something really interesting with her inner.

is that there are no klichéfyllda konfliktytor between Britt-Marie and the Borg-live – kids in the team or the guys at the pizzeria – which have their roots in other countries.

Read Kultursöndags interview with Tuva Novotny

Significantly more effort and is conquered it is between the newcomer and some others in the village, as Anders Mosslings mellanmjölkigt kärlekskranke police and Malin Levanons snabbskissade, resentful old football star.

The worst of the ”Britt-Marie was here” is that both the protagonist as the movie is too joyless and dumb, both emotionally and visually. If you don’t have a particular fetish for städattiraljer in flat light, so this film, unfortunately, never as something indispensable to preserve in memory’s wardrobe.

Feel good must surely mean that it will characters close, sharing their pain and happiness? Was Britt-Marie really here? It feels not really so.

See more. Three other movies with Pernilla August: ”Manslaughter” (2005), ”Miss Kicki” (2009), ”The only rational” (2009).