U.S. attorney General Bill Barr intends to publish the final report from special investigator Robert Mueller to Russia, the affair until mid-April. Currently, he is editing sensitive Material from the nearly 400-page document, wrote Barr on Friday in a letter to the chairmen of the judiciary committees in the Senate and in the house of representatives. Sensitive passages are not to be released. He said that the report “until mid-April, could, if not released sooner,” wrote Barr.

special agent Mueller was almost followed up for two years the question of whether U.S. President Donald Trump and his Team have worked together during the presidential election campaign of 2016, with Moscow, in order to influence the election. His final report, he handed it over a week ago, the Ministry of justice.

Trump declared relieved

Barr submitted to the Congress so far, only a four-page summary. Accordingly, it sees Mueller as evidence that Russia tried to influence the presidential election in 2016. Evidence of actual collaboration with Trump, or in secret collusion Mueller found according to the summary.

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To the question of whether or not Trump disabled the following judicial investigation, put Mueller on the other hand. Trump said despite the restriction “completely relieved”. He used the report to make for re-election against his political opponents and critics of the mood. (AFP)