The sentence does not pass. For François Bayrou, the exclusion by the Republic Market (LREM) of the mayor of Lyon, Gérard Collomb, is nothing other than a decision “brutal and unwarranted”. “Gérard Collomb is grand mayor of Lyon. The last twenty years, this is a man who has contributed immensely to his city, and who has yet to make”, he recalled Tuesday on LCI about this macroniste history.

The former minister of the interior announced Thursday an agreement of surprise reached with the right hand, in the office of the president, The Republicans (LR) of the region, Laurent Wauquiez. Gérard Collomb clears and supports the candidate of the right to the presidency of the metropolitan of Lyon, senator LR François-Noël Buffet. In exchange, the right to disconnect its candidate in the local elections, Stephen White, in favor of Yann Cucherat, the foal of Gérard Collomb.

also read : Municipal: Lyon, Collomb turns to the right

A thunderclap unexpected that the staff of LREM was quick to denounce it. The number one of the presidential party, Stanislas Guérini, believed that the conceiving of Lyon had “crossed the red line”, when others have called her decision “treason.” Result : LREM has withdrawn his nomination to Gérard Collomb and Yann Cucherat.

“this is beside compliance with”

The mayor of Pau, the indispensable ally of the majority, therefore, took the opportunity to put the record straight at the time. “If Gérard Collomb had not been there with a few others to support the nomination of Emmanuel Macron, probably those that exclude would not be there to do it”, he lambasted. François Bayrou finds in that decision a treatment lacking in dignity. “It is next to the respect due to men of value and of principles of respect of life closer to the ground”, he regretted.

moreover, the ephemeral minister of justice François-Noël Buffet as “someone of absolutely respectable” and is “not subject to controversy” about this alliance. And Bayrou to remember that “right, these are not second-class citizens” and that “the local needs are local”.

also read : From friendship to betrayal… How the relationship between Macron and Collomb torn

Ally history of Emmanuel Macron, with whom he regularly consults, the president of the MoDem has unveiled have “every reason to believe that Emmanuel Macron has not changed his mind about Gérard Collomb.” “I think they even continue to speak (…)”, he said, before concluding that “the bonds of loyalty” between the two men, very close to the beginning of the quinquennium, “are not broken”.

31 commentaires2872893le 02/06/2020 13:15

For LaREM, the natural allies are the communists,

abbot Tumainele 02/06/2020 13:13

support between vanes… It is necessarily very painful in addition to realize that one has not chosen the right horse.

Landolfile 02/06/2020 13:12

Bayrou soon, but it is necessary to explain to him a long time.

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