Physical therapist and yoga instructor Kylli flower garden home making a series of movements, which can be done anywhere and anytime.In this instructions for easy exercises to stretch the muscles and neural pathways.

the Neck-shoulder girdle pain and discomfort are one of the most common reasons why people seek medical advice and physical therapy. Health 2000 survey, 40 percent of the more than 30-year-old woman has felt the neck and shoulders, sometimes the pain. Long-term neck and shoulder pain from the suffering of working-age persons, about 40% had sometimes to be out of work or otherwise restrict your everyday tasks.

the Problems are usually due to the neck and shoulders from long-term static tension. This is often the result of poor ergonomics, for example, working with computers. In a static work of the cervical spine spacers wear out, the consequences of which may occur with a variety of symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, finger tingling and numbness and even the fingers of the clamping force loss.

the Neck area muscle exercise, stretching and relaxation are the essential symptoms in the prevention and treatment. These movements you can do work interspersed with. Only the business number 5 is designed to be performed the day after at home.

1. a) Correct posture sitting chair etureunalle. Press the exhale, the left palm nerve against, until you feel the neck muscles tensing. Ease the inhale. b) Press the exhale right hand to his head against. Ease the inhale. Then exhale the left hand to their head against. Ease the inhale. Repeat the series of movements 5 times. Motion to strengthen cervical spine muscles. Strong muscles supporting the cervical spine of well-being. 2. a) make yourself small branch-position and give a scarf or neck cloth hanging casually in your hands. b) Take the inhale of the scarf in your right hand over your head behind you with a big arc. c) return the scarf out of breath with the left hand behind the knees. Return to the starting position by rounding your back. Repeat the movement 5-10 times. The exchange between the two sides and start the movement with your left hand. Movement lubricates and bowed the shoulders, opens the thoracic spine and corrects your posture. Breathing quality improves, and the blood flow increases the oxygen. 3. a) Leaning the chair back against. Take cross your fingers behind your head and tilt the inhale backward. Let your head rest kämmenilläsi. b) Continue the movement by taking exhale right foot over left. Let the torso to bend sideways. Hands dangling casually toward the floor. Repeat the movement in sets of 6 to 10 times alternating between legs. The movement opens the chest and frees the lungs of the tension of the muscle in compression. Breathe better, and blood circulation will be improved. Business rubs the also the internal organs and stretch the back muscles. The back of the chair to manipulate the thoracic spine. 4. a) Correct posture sitting chair etureunalle. Tilt your head inhale to the left. At the same time the right hand stretches down angle on the right. Pull the wrist bent and fingers splayed. b) Take out the breath arm pillow under his head. Repeat the pump 5 times. c) Grab the finally, under the seat or chair leg and tilt to the left. Stay venytyksessä a few breathing time. Change sides and repeat the pump again 5 times. The motion to stretch the muscles and nerve pathways to the base of the skull with your fingertips. Spacers to get a massage, and cervical spine mobility is increasing. 5.a) on your right side lying on the ground. The upper body resting on the couch cushion and hips and knees are bent. Take the left hand upturned for a comfortable and relaxed position another pillow on top. Stay in this position for as long as you want. Try to breathe, relax and smile. Change after half. If the fingers numbness or tingling feeling, stop the movement. b) finally, the cushion on the leaning cross-legged. Hands are outstretched casually to the sides, palms up. Keep breathing calmly. Movement to relax and calm down.

Movements: a physical therapist and yoga instructor Kylli flower garden home, yoga school Shanti

the Story was first published 24.01.2015.