Who flew a drone near Gatwick on 19 and 20 december this year is still unclear. On Saturday, the police managed to remove the two drones that have so far been found in the vicinity of the airport from the investigation.

the police now the two people who were arrested and held by police for 36 hours, sorry. The two, Paul Gait and Elaine Kirk, was wrongly as guilty to drönarflygningarna, writes the BBC.

the Investigation of what is really the synthesis of Gatwick and found the airport closed has still not led to any solution, and the work of the police to solve the riddle have created more questions than answers.

days ago, stated a spokesperson for the police that they could not exclude the possibility that there actually not been any drones at all. Something the police now take that back:

” It is quite certain that there was a drone in the air during the time that the airport was kept closed, said Sussex police chief Giles York to the BBC.

the Closure of Gatwick affected about 110,000 passengers.

Gatwick closed again after the new drones – opened again

Police are considering the shooting down drones over Gatwick