When I started on the elementary school – there was a time in kambrosilur – had desks yet the hole for the ink bottle. We kladdet with a pencil, but the final document was written with a pen equipped with a stiff stålsplitt. Those lucky – or wealthy – used the fyllepenn with a soft split of the gold.

Håndskriftens klassedeling was considerably reduced when the more democratic push conquered the schools and the rest of the market. It happened in the 60’s. Now is also the push needed up in a corner of the digital keyboard, and the electronic pen is constantly improving.

But the ink tool stand out. Yes more than that. The experience a kind of renaissance with rising sales figures, including affordable pens and the expensive models obtained with the time-consuming craftsmanship.

ink tool leaks no longer, and the drag with it the necessary accessories: Ink and paper. The offer of the ink colours is huge and also includes shimmering and smelling varieties. Paper is offered in many qualities adapted to the liquid ink. The trend is so strong that Norway has got a he for pens, ink and paper (tudos.en).

What has happened? It riktigste is that the ink tool never came in some near-death-position. In large parts of Asia (f. ex. China and Japan) used handwriting and ink, to a large extent. In Europe the same applies to the educational system of several countries.

In addition comes a new development where typing experience and personality play an important role. Many experience the value of learning or composing texts through the interaction between vision, thought and gesture. Type with hand it takes more time and more thinking to get the words down on paper. There is no delete button. The text is final (although of course you can write it about), and it is yours.

I’ve been happy in the ink tool, from the time I got the first of my maternal grandfather when I started in the first grade at the elementary school. As a student, and later as a journalist, was ink tool an essential writing instrument. The soft slit prevents me to attach the hand to be too strong when I make notes, often in high pace. The writing flows smoother and easier because of the wet ink. A good paper, and more new colors is a joy in itself.

A good fyllepenn do not need to be expensive. Three hundrelapper hold. Upwards there is hardly any limit. If you bathe in money, you can go over to the ink and buy a Caran dAche Caelograph Zenith to cool 979 900 million, or a Namiki Emperor Gold Fish from Japan to 124 500. In mail-order, in Norway.

Fyllepennens return due to the not least that it provides access to a world of infinite variables when it comes to design, materials and colors. The most important is still the basic: A good pen creates writing

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