the foreign ministry responsible for the management of officer led the defense of the foreign minister of Pekka Haavisto (gr.) working in al-Hol camp site for the transfer of the thing in. Management is of the opinion that it has not violated the law at any stage.

find out Yle year of the foreign ministry’s internal note.

the Evening-Say tell (you move to another service)last week, that Haavisto deposed official who had a different view of the camp of helping. Haavisto has asked for the situation to apologize and said that the official may continue in office.

Clutter is already looking into the attorney general.

“How the fire will shut down correctly”

Today, Monday afternoon, the foreign ministry staff sent the message, according to al-Hol camp site for the repatriation of the debate due to a serious difference of opinion, “about how the fire will shut down correctly”.

the Message is signed by the undersecretary of state Pekka Puustinen . He is one of the foreign ministry of the highest officials.

in a Message scrolled worth official to lead the direction.

– Umnen officials in charge of the situation, it seemed that we can’t do anything. While this probably wasn’t the only possible answer then was to find a way in which UM can get to the work ahead,” Puustinen write.

in Practice, the al-Hol camp site for the transfer of Finland replied the consul manager Pasi Tuominen.

in the opinion of the superannuation obligation is not a ground for

undersecretary of the message says “a serious difference of opinion in al-Hol-case management in the view of officials led to the request to figure out if I can find the consular chief for other suitable tasks. The request was rare and exceptional”.

according to an interview by Pasi Import according to him was transferred out of the al-Hol refugee camp relating to the handling of matters Haavisto decision. The import of the decision in the background was the fact that his and his subordinates ‘ views have pleased Haavisto.

that the according to him also was told about the transfer until two weeks after the decision.

– Differences regarding the al-Hol-case management approach. On this basis it was considered that the justification of one task to another for the imposition meet the MFA’s transition obligation under. Diplomatic officials can be transferred to another job for a justified reason. The preparation was continued, Puustinen write to staff today a letter in the message.

yle interviewed by the employees are ihmeissäään the fact that Haavisto – and now also the official leader – to justify the transfer of the transition obligation under. Workers, according to officials siirtymis_velvollisuus_, but not siirtymis_pakkoa_.

“All do not share the publicity raised in the picture”

Yle on Monday interviewed by the staff representatives are appalled that the ministry officials in management have been the topic of at all the ministry of inside.

the staff does not want to appear in the case name, because they are afraid of their own for their careers. Many of the ministry officials signed the claim “climate of fear”, which was also the consular chief Pasi Tuominen has spoken to Helsinki to interview with.

the Staff sent email atmosphere problem instead of belittled.

– in the Public eye is also presented negative views on the MFA’s organisational climate. Surely this kind of experience is. However, I understand from my conversations, that all do not share in public, raised images, Puustinen write.

Puustisen writing, according to the minister, ministry officials, management and workers ‘ representatives met today in good spirit, and the meetings will continue.

see also:

Finland has a “fairly precise” plan, how the al-Hol campers would be transferred to Finland,

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