Relatives shall no longer be employees of the city of Östersund as personal assistants to disabled people.

the municipality of the objective as far as possible, phasing out the assistants at the same time is relatives.

– We see that it promotes quality. Sometimes it is difficult for those who may care to be honest and tell you when the care is not of the quality it should be, since the assistant is a family member. We have seen through the years, ” says Lars Liljedahl, head of care and care services administration in the city of Östersund.

– It can be the other way too. If you care for its mother, it is difficult to say to their employer that the work environment is not good. There is an emotional connection to take into account.

no absolute stop. There will be exceptions, according to Liljedahl.

the Swedish Radio symphony Jämtlandsredaktion have spoken with Mona Alm Oxelgren, who is assistant to his daughter, Sofia, who is hjärnskadad.

“I feel distrusted that I would not be able to meet Sofia’s needs,” she says to P4 Jämtland.

the Inspection of health and social care, Ivo, has received a notification from a disabled person who considers himself affected by the municipality’s decision. In the notification claimed that the decision was contrary to the law.

do not want to prejudice the authority’s assessment before taking part of Östersund municipality’s own arguments.

” Their actions have not come in yet. We have put questions to them on the basis of the legislation.

In the Law on special support and service to certain disabled persons, LSS, among other things, that operations should be ”based on respect for the individual’s autonomy and integrity. The individual shall, to the greatest possible extent given the influence and participation over the operations is granted.”

– No, it is not clear in this way. It is usually not legal, ” says Maria Johagen.

” But the individual should have the empowerment of women and that the service should be easily accessible, is fundamental in the LSS.

Also in the preparatory works to the act stated that the assistance shall be adapted to the recipient’s individual needs and be designed so that it is easily accessible and enhances the individual’s opportunities to live an independent life.

the Municipality has well had its lawyers and interpreted it in their own way, ” says Maria Johagen.

has rightly made the assessment that the decision has support in the law, according to Lars Liljedahl.

” Yes, we have been careful. We have received clear confirmation that it is not illegal in any way, ” he says.

” But would Ivo determine that we violate the law we get the course back.

The decision applies only to the municipal employees, not private actors. The granted personal assistant can choose to be anställare, go to a private provider or go to the municipality.

And on the first two, we can’t have any views, ” says Liljedahl.

”a handful of” assistants in the city of Östersund.

as far As Ivo knows, Östersund is the date the only municipality that made a decision to phase out the relatives as personal assistants.

By 15 February, the municipality shall submit their arguments. Then Ivo an assessment.