Paul Churches have gone to the 40th anniversary of the Constitution with a pin on the lapel of the jacket with the face of a woman in a purple color with three hairs. This has been the way of the leader of we Can its confederal group of reclaim the republic during the ceremony at the Congress in which he has participated Felipe VI and his father, Juan Carlos I, the king emeritus. “It has missed the attention of the people,” he assured the secretary general of the party in reference to the words of the current monarch. “I have missed you remember what that is not fulfilled in the Constitution, the guarantee of social rights. That has not been referred to the corruption and privileges. That has not been recalled to those who played life by the democracy, to the fighters and anti-fascist. In conclusion: it has been a speech disappointing”.


Pablo Iglesias: “we believe that the free decision of the peoples to build a project together” Pablo Iglesias says that the “political style rufianista is not the tactic most sensible” The King: “The Constitution is a permanent mandate of the concordia, among spaniards,”

United we Can, as it had already announced Churches, has remained throughout the act in the interior of the Congress. The deputies and senators of the training have been put in place when they entered the kings, but they have not applauded any of the interventions. “We have this pin in a tribute to feminism. A sign of the future because it must feminize the policy,” he said before entering the chamber, by the side of another man, Alberto Garzón, leader of IU, for the first time since 2011, has attended the ceremony.

to The contrary of the adjective “shameful” that has been used, Pablo Echenique, secretary of Organization of Can, to describe the long ovation at the king Juan Carlos I, Iglesias has been limited to Retrobet say that the monarch “does not deserve applause, but respect.” “That ovation takes away from what feels like Spain,” he said. “Those who have applauded they were within their rights, but the majority of spaniards do not agree to the corruption, and much less the coming of the monarchy.” Responsible for we Can consider that the applause of the rest of the members have been “an exaggeration”.

The only thing that has been recognized Churches of the words of king Felipe VI, has been that the mention of the autonomous communities. “It has sent a clear message to those who say that you should eliminate them in their recognition of the political pluralism in Spain,” he said in reference to Vox, the party of ultra right wing advocates for an end to the current organization of the State.

The leader of Can has been interpreted, moreover, that the monarch has acknowledged in his intervention that “has been wrong a few times” in reference to the moment in which Felipe VI, has said that “throughout these years, there have been mistakes, errors and shortcomings” and that should not be “silencing the political, economic and social” of the country.

“The new generations that deal with new responsibilities have the right to discuss how to get to the head of state”, he reiterated Churches that advocates for a constitutional reform to change the model State and the abolition of the monarchy. “The head of State if he is a democrat has to acknowledge it with tranquility.”

Complaint UI

“The monarchy is not wheat clean. It is a mistake to believe that the defense of Spain is the defense of the monarchy”, with these words has entered Alberto Garzón, leader of IU, on the floor. The communist party has returned to participate in the commemorative events after seven years. In 2011 ceased to attend in protest at the reform express of article 135 of the Constitution. Their presence was limited until now to the previous statements to the central act.

Garzon has taken advantage of his turn to announce that IU and the Communist Party have filed a complaint with the Supreme Court against Juan Carlos I in which he is accused of the possible commission of up to 13 offences, including bribery, fraud, influence-peddling and constitution of a criminal group. “We have filed a complaint to investigate possible crimes of corruption of the monarchy today, some of the actors who are going to sit down today up there to give us lessons of democracy”, has summarized Garzón.