For the corresponding amendment of the Constitution 81 of the 120 deputies voted, so that the required two-thirds majority was reached. The renaming of the country is a key condition for Macedonia to settle the name dispute with Greece. The dispute between the two countries has been brewing for almost three decades. the

The Macedonian Parliament decided on Friday evening, the renaming of the southern Balkan country in “Northern Macedonia”. For the corresponding amendment of the Constitution 81 of the 120 deputies voted, so that the required two-thirds majority was reached. Thus, the Macedonian Parliament procedure is completed successfully.

The renaming of the country is a key condition for Macedonia to settle the name dispute with Greece. Thus, the way to inclusion in Nato and EU for Macedonia has been blocked in Athens so far. With the vote, the Parliament amended the Constitution in several points. In addition to the name change, the people’s representatives also decided on a formulation, which holds that Macedonia has no claims on territories of neighbouring countries.

Now, the government in Greece is on the train. The Parliament in Athens must ratify the agreement by a simple majority. However, there is significant resistance. The head of government Alexis Tsipras can count on the support of his coalition partner the Independent Greeks. The party of the nationalist Panos Kammenos, wants him, wants this matter not to follow. So they have to Tsipras will probably have a new majority.

The dispute between the two countries has been brewing for almost three decades, because Greece requires a distinction of the state name of its Northern Region of Macedonia.

the Background is that Athens is only claiming the historical heritage of Alexander the Great exclusively for yourself, but also the possible territorial claims of Macedonia wants to exclude. Fueled the dispute to the present, by nationalist forces on both sides, and only at the end of September, a Referendum on the name of agreement in Macedonia was failed due to a low turnout.