The Grand coalition has agreed on a compromise: The ban on advertising of abortions should, in principle, remain, but be supplemented to guarantee Doctors legal certainty. Green politicians and some Doctors reject the proposal as “half-baked”. This Thursday the topic will be discussed in the Bundestag. the

The coalition compromise in the dispute over the ban on advertising abortions to part with a lot of criticism. Especially the Green, and on the basis of the disputed clause 219a of the criminal code sentenced the Doctor Kristina Hänel rejects the compromise.

criticized The Green party member of Parliament Katja Keul and Ulle Schauws, the Federal government put a “half-baked” proposal, only to the paragraph, delete “and to play for time”. The implementation of an announced addition of the paragraph to remain “completely nebulous”. Doctors and women will continue to be brought to the trust. This is the also the coalition planned study on psychological consequences will show after a termination of pregnancy.

Natasha Nicklaus and Nora Szász said The Doctor Hänel and the medicine inside, appalled as the criminal proceedings concerned Doctors. Upon closer Inspection, the proposal has proved to be a “zero number”. Clause 219a, including its penalty of two years in prison should remain “complete”. “The remaining proposals to improve the Situation, accompanying measures, which are already possible now.”

health policy

advertisement of abortion is prohibited – § 219a is complemented

The competent Minister in the Grand coalition to agree on an amendment to the controversial paragraph. Doctors to obtain a right to Information. Further details will be regulated in January. By Kristiana Ludwig

The doctors President Frank Ulrich Montgomery recognize in the Five-point Plan that the government wanted to be constructive without dispute, a solution for Physicians as well as women and couples. At the same time, Montgomery called for to dampen the emotions in the debate. “No woman in the world decides for the termination of pregnancy, because such a beautiful colorful Poster on the Internet,” he said. In an Interview with the German radio station Deutschlandfunk, the President of the Federal chamber of physicians also said that Doctors would stand to their social responsibilities and could provide them in the proposal envisaged tasks.

The new CDU party Chairman Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer welcomed in the night on Thursday, that the already in place ban on advertising. “The protection of life, unborn and born, has for the CDU are of paramount importance,” wrote Kramp-Karrenbauer on Twitter. With the prospect of regulation will deal with the CDU-intensive, as soon as the exact law proposal, said in a statement the party. “We will attach particular importance to the fact that the proposals do not include abolition of the prohibition on Advertising by the back door.”

the Union and the SPD had agreed on Wednesday night after a months-long dispute over the ban on the advertising of abortion on a compromise. Accordingly, the controversial clause 219a should be supplemented only to the addition, that Doctors and hospitals can inform you about the fact that they perform abortions. The promotion of abortion should not be allowed to give it to but also in the future. How the future system should look exactly, what was left open as an advertisement and what is listed as the Information, first of all. The new draft law should be submitted in January, said the Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (CDU) and Federal Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD).

Barley said the agreement to bring the necessary legal certainty and mountains, the opportunity for a broad social consensus. Also, Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has welcomed the compromise. “The coalition has shown that they can also make difficult processes successful.” SPD Leader Andrea Nahles announced that her group will now wait and see the exact text of the law, the rate “and, finally, to vote”. Both the SPD and the FDP had called for the complete abolition of the penal code-sections 219a. This Thursday the topic will be discussed in the Bundestag.