A large majority of German citizens (77 percent), finds the change of course of the SPD in the social policy well – but not to the benefit of the social Democrats in the election poll to date. This is one of the political barometer of the ZDF and the Tagesspiegel, published on Friday.

If a Federal election next Sunday, would be, would the SPD, after a gain at the beginning of February and now again only on 15 per cent (minus 1 per cent).

53 percent of the respondents are convinced that the decision to allow social policy, a greater role, will be beneficial to the social Democrats in the long term, in the elections.

The CDU improved, however slightly, to 31 percent (plus 1 percent). This is all the more surprising, since a majority of the Union supporters evaluated the efforts of the CDU, to sharpen its conservative profile, skeptical. Only 34 percent of all respondents and 41 percent of the followers of the CDU and the CSU, are in favour of this course. The CDU, under the new party Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer will represent a tougher line on refugee policy, 44 percent. 49 percent of the not to be expected. 57 percent want a tightening of refugee policy.

In the Sunday question, the AfD is gaining a percent and 13 percent, the FDP is losing a percent and now stands at 7 percent. All other parties remain unchanged. So also the High for the Green stops, the can continue to hope for 20 percent of the vote.

Even after the European elections was asked. The interest in this vote in the West is greater than in the East, what are the consequences of the projection. The Union would come to 33 per cent, the Greens on 19 per cent. Further order: SPD, 18 percent, and AfD’s ten percent, Left eight percent, and the FDP six percent.

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the Politbarometer of the forschungsgruppe wahlen led by the 19. to 21. February Interviews with the 1226 eligible. (Tsp)