Postal collective bargaining agreements are at least as curly as the British brexit-torque. The post arguing with the workers on wages and working conditions and seeks 150-200 million savings.

Convergence has not occurred, although the workers representative of the Postal and logistics union (PAU) and Service sector employers (Palta) have sat at the negotiating table since early October.

PAU:the president Heidi Nieminen announced on Sunday that the dispute will move to the national conciliator.

it’s now nice not to sit at the negotiating table, where the employer apply for already low-paid people with impairments in terms of employment. On Tuesday we meet the employers ‘ federation with the kingdom of the mediator’s office.

PAU promise to tell the industrial action from next week.

the Employer to stop the threat of the annoying

the Service sector employers palta, ceo of Tuomas Aarto commented on the situation with caution.

– Self, of course, I hope that industrial action will not come. This is now no strike help, Aarto said.

Employees of the Postal and logistics sector union accused the employer that it will run on dividers and sorted which the cheapest industry association and the media association collective bargaining agreement covered.

– it would be interesting to know how this day can get along 8,90 euros an hour, Nieminen asks.

the owner of the control of change is already busy

the Labour market studied at the university of Turku docent Mika Helander believes that the Postal dispute settlement the keys are in the government.

– Post labour dispute will only be resolved when the state of the owner control changes. It now seems to be signs. The post is part of the public service, Helander said.

One option would be that the state should take over the post of statutory tasks. The end could be competition in the market. For example, in Norway the government take care of mail distribution of the sparsely populated area. Also in Sweden and Denmark, the postal public service and business are separated.

the Service sector employers did not inspire the solution. Ceo Tuomas Aarto is of the opinion that the government intervention required.

– in Norway the state has been forced to pump in the mail all the time, more money, Aarto said.

the owner of the control of the minister of Sirpa Paatero (sd.) has already promised that the government will assess the Post tasks again.

Postal wages have aroused annoyance, especially after, when it became clear that ceo Heikki Malinen made last year to 990 000 eur. Malinen, left the mission in early October.

Kiky-hours haunt still

Sticky is a progression also industry association and the technology industry a wolf in the negotiations. Export area kiikastavat salary and infamous kiky-hours.

the Employer representative of the technology industry wants to continue competitive agreement within 24 hours in the working time longer.

the industry association for the it does not fit. Industry association announced Friday that negotiations with the technology industry with are stuck already in the initial positions.

the Negotiations are significant, as the export industry operates in the labour market round the head in. It means that the other sectors is difficult to surpass the export industry appropriate salary increases.

the nurses want more

the Export-driven model annoying the care sector. Health sector trade unions Tehy have long been calling for equal arvoerä to. The nurses want wage increases of 1.8 per cent more than the other, so that the wage gap would be reduced.

the labour markets studied sociology, docent Mika Helander keep the export-driven model as troublesome. Gap between women and men is not the way we are narrow will.

– Strong association define now wage increases. The centralised wage settlements during the period balance arvoerä managed better. Nurses deserve everything ready for a whether the shots were, but wage equality is still far away, Helander said.

Tehy is required from the government annually a hundred million pay gap umpikuromiseen.

finance minister Mika Lintilä (kesk.) has announced that additional money is not coming.

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