“The rfiforma Bonafede on the prescription or is postponed, or a temporary regulation will bring to life the standards desired by the former keeper of the seals, Andrea Orlando. It should not remain”. Lucia Annibali, the site of the former dem now of Italy Alive, a lawyer, has signed the two amendments to the “Milleproroghe” as soon as deposited in the committee on constitutional Affairs of the Chamber.

Annibali, from words to deeds. After the criticism of the blocking of the prescription of the crimes, now you check out you have submitted two proposals in Parliament to eliminate the reform Bonafede?
“Yes. Provide reference services reform Bonafede, postponing the entry into force, or a suspension of the effects of the current reform with a temporary regulation which has, in life the norm in Orlando. As a lawyer, even before that as a parliamentarian, I have to say that the elimination of the prescription is all wrong”.

Avoid it though, that lawyers do melina.
“But the prescription has nothing to do with the lengthy processes: it represents the warranty, first of all, for the victims to have reasonable time for a response of justice. Let’s take care first of the criminal proceedings rather. I have a great confusion in the public debate. The law is a complex subject, you must explain with precision the things”.

Forza Italia has tabled amendments that are similar to your them, will you vote?
First you have to see if amendments will be allowed, from the time that the rule Bonafede is already in force. According to us are eligible, obviously. It will be up to the presidents of the two committees, the constitutional Affairs and Budget, to decide. One is Joseph Brescia of 5 stars and the other is Claudio Borghi of the League”.

But with the Forza Italia, there will be an exchange of favors?
“But what is the exchange of favors! This is not vote with the opposition, but to bring back into force the reform of Orlando, which is already reaching the time of the prescription, without deleting the institution. However, if the proposals are in the merit can be shared, and to vote. We support what we believe in. Too bad that most agree with us, the opposition, and not the Pd”.

There will be a vertex of the majority at the Palazzo Chigi own prescription, and justice. And if you come out some good news, go back on your steps?
it Depends. But the point is that the prescription should not be deleted. To think that other procedural safeguards are enough, you are wrong. In addition, the mediation of which he speaks, that is, to distinguish between convicted and acquitted in the first instance and for the latter to restore the prescription of the crime, risks of open profiles of the blatant unconstitutionality”.

Right on the prescription, the majority of government is likely to stumble?
“it is Not our intention to undermine the government, make it fall. We have said it many times, but we intend to have our say, also because they are prior to the rights of the citizens. It is not possible that only a force of a majority, the 5stars, called the line”

Renzi accuses the Pd of having forgotten the just and the Pd accuses Renzi of attacking the wrong party. Flywheel the rags?
“we are Not the rags. I repeat: we of Italy Alive, we are responsible for, especially towards the guarantees for the citizens”.

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