The Federal police stores use recordings from body cameras, body Cams, on the servers of the Internet giant Amazon. The US supplier is currently the only place in Germany, there is a corresponding by the Federal office for information security-certified cloud solution, was quoted by the newspaper “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”, the German Federal police Bureau. The FDP’s Deputy Benjamin Strasser, who had made the subject of a request to the Federal Ministry of the interior, criticized on Saturday to the news Agency AFP the “potential security risk”.

In the case of the storage of data on servers of Amazon, remain Unclear whether the US security authorities have access to this, explained Strasser. The Federal government is required, therefore, the full control of such sensitive data. “We need storage capacity to the authorities in Germany. Union and the SPD are to ensure the duty of this as soon as possible.”

body Cams to deter potential attackers. At the same time, the recordings can help to identify offenders.

The Ministry said on request target group, that “the German data protection requirements are met”. The data would be encrypted and exclusively on servers in Germany stored.

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the Deputy of the Green group Chairman Konstantin von Notz expressed privacy concerns. Amazon was the subject of criticism, because the company also sell facial recognition Software to the US police authorities, which would be used for recordings of body Cams, he said the “NOZ”. “That this company will now manage the Bodycam footage for the state police, leaving behind more than a bad feeling.” (AFP)