It was Saturday, the jewish-French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut stepped out of a taxi in the 14th arrondissement in Paris, when one of the protest movement Yellow västarnas demonstrations happened to pass by.

a Few men in yellow vests began to howl taunts at him.

– the Dirty zionist! Dirty race! This is our country! God will punish you! The people will punish you! shouted a man whose verbal attack was caught on film.

The 69-year-old philosopher was forced to retreat into a side street.

– Without the police intervention, I believe that they had tried to beat me. It was pogromstämning, said Finkielkraut, among other things, become known as a critic of multiculturalism.

the Man on the movie has been identified and is suspected now of hate crimes. But he was not alone. Others were heard shouting insults such as: ”Go home to Tel Aviv!”

president of the French republic Emmanuel Macron, has condemned the attack on Tuesday night, 14 different political parties called for joint manifestations in Paris and other parts of the country, to protest against the rise in anti-semitic incidents.

Last year registered 541 hate crimes with anti-semitic overtones in France, a 74 percent increase compared with the year before.

Several cases of anti-semitic vandalism has taken place in recent times. Among other things, has förintelseöverlevaren Simon Veils portrait klottrats over with nazi swastikas.

It is not the first time that antisemitistiska slogans heard during the Yellow västarnas demonstrations. Many activists in the movement to take distance from anti-semitism, but the lack of structure and leaders are doing right – and vänsterextremister, as well as people with islamist sympathies, can easily join just by dragging on the yellow vests.