the Kainuu province director of Pentti Malisella is behind a tight week in Helsinki. The man is shuttled by the economy ministry and met with other provincial leaders to closely.

the Reason behind are million, of which the EU share of finland for its structural funds – the regional fund and the social fund – through.

regional development minister of economic Katri Kulmuni (kesk.) it is hoped the provincial director from a common vision about how the controversial regional development money should be divided and support the sharing of also developed in such a way that they obtain the best possible result.

the provincial director of chairing the group, Malinen explains that regional development funding, we’re hoping a big renovation.

the minister’s official mandate to negotiate still waiting, but the provincial leadership has already considered new provinces according to their own risk – and development funds to the establishment.

responsibility for regional development, the minister of economic Katri Kulmuni (kesk.) that show the money of the territorial division of the board to decide, possibly in the coming months.Pekka Tynell / YleMaakuntajohtajat hoping for a big renovation money sharing

the provincial director would like to shut down the central administration, i.e. ministries led by the great nationwide regional development projects.

These are released to millions to be put on the new, specially established provincial own venture and development funds.

Part of the funds can be used in the practice of municipal projects and part of the leaving surprising the need to amend, just in case.

province of head, you will see that the ministries controlled by project abolition and the new provincial risk and development funds, the establishment of more effective regional development money is spent.

the provincial director thinks that hedge funds would bring better results of provincial equality in the development and vigor of growth.

– regional development money, is it really a big pot, so is by no means irrelevant how this money is distributed and used. All wisdom is not far from Helsinki central government ministries, Malinen, download.

the structural funds, already the beginning of autumn, fat of the dispute, while in Southern and Western Finland the regional council considered that the regional development funds should be directed to the more Southern and Western Finland. Today Eastern and Northern Finland will receive two-thirds of regional development aid, although the areas inhabited by only a quarter of the population.

Risk finance employment growth companies

the Funds could be based on the individual counties or most of the counties together. Finland’s 18 provinces.

Funds could be individual provinces, but that in terms of effectiveness, I can imagine that, for example, Eastern Finland or Northern Finland or, say, a few of the province jointly set up the fund could be appropriate, Malinen clarify.

Malinen according to the risk funds could receive, for example, employment growth in the small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups to companies that genuinely need the risk funding.

– the Kind of financing that no bank of, Malinen said.

Risk finance could get companies that have difficulty getting normal bank loans. Marten Lampén / Yle

Malinen noted that an obstacle to corporate financing can be, for example, problems with loan collateral with.

Department to keep the company of the availability of funding to improve important

the ministry of regional development director of Johanna Osenius said that it was important that the structural funds, future funds directed to smes access to finance to improve.

Provincial risk funds in the ministry to take, however, have reservations about. This is because, due to the county-specific fund would be a size small.

capital investment activity also requires special skills and also because the function of the ministry according to the provinces that wider shoulders.

the future, in 2021, the beginning of the program season in Finland revolves around regional development to support the full 4-5 billion, which consists of both the EU, state, municipal and corporate funding.

regional development minister of economic Katri Kulmuni (kesk.) that show the money of the territorial division of the board to decide, possibly in the coming months.

Funds in addition to the need for new employment act

Malinen, according to the fund, in addition to the need to have other new, regional vitality and equality-enhancing measures and practices.

the New risk funds are part of the reflection on the reform activities. In addition to these, you will certainly be also a new means, for example, a skilled workforce in order to obtain, Malinen said.

the EU for Finland, the share of structural funds resources are used, inter alia, in weak labour market position of training and employment options increase.

regional development allocation criteria modification is justified also seems that the immigrants the largest part of the new country.Michael Crawford/Yle

the requirements of regional development money to change the policy is justified, inter alia, for example, that migrants most of it is new land and growth costs must be prepared.

the business environment of the provinces considered at all had changed. In eastern and Northern Finland has shot up the development to catch up. Unemployment, youth exclusion and early school leavers are daily life in many places also in Southern and Western Finland.

the new country, the provincial director of Ossi Savolainen required already in early autumn, yle in an interview with regional development money towards more South – and West-Finland north instead.

Savolainen, according to the government of the country should strive to improve by the employment where there really is work and factors offer. Savolainen focus would also research projects the south’s top universities.

in Eastern and Northern Finland’s regional councils are Savolainen views down the throats swallow.

– Each province drive the negotiations their own interests and compromise all in this for the money dealer in the currently being sought, Malinen said.

Resolve two dispute

to Solve is, how the EU for Finland, granted by the regional funds allocated to different provinces in the middle and also it, will the ministries controlled by regional development projects to prune and replace, for example, the new provincial funds.

the provincial leaders, chairman Pentti Malinen view, it is perfectly clear that in 2021 the start of the financial programming period should go on a new basis.

So for sure we would be able to allocate their efforts and the money you relevant and fast changing regional needs.

Malinen noted that also transcendent, municipal projects, structural funds should pass through the ministries instead of the new provincial of hedge funds or, for example, local employment and economic development centres through the.

the province in the lead, it is considered that decision-making power in regional development projects should be transferred to the ministries to the provinces.Linda Söderlund / Yle

Malinen believes that the reform should also strengthen the national regional development project status. According to him, the provinces fund and can be made to smoothly cooperate and would take the current ministry-driven model slick more forward also kingdom-wide processes.

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