gender Equality as a political saksfelt have heard of in the same ministry for almost 30 years. With Ropstad its appearance in the ministry to likestillinga out. This is not only a symbolpolitisk questions about the name of the départements and what for it is a minister who should go in the Prideparaden. This is in the very highest degree a question of money, power and political priorities.

“Again Again” can take a few weeks break, Columnist

gender equality policy has always been placed in the ministry who have had responsibility for the familiepolitikken and the two saksfelta is closely vove together. Likestillingsavdelinga in the ministry has been responsible for the important family – and likestillingspolitiske schemes such as child benefit, cash benefit and foreldrepengeordninga. There is talk of over 30 billion, and makes up almost the whole budget of the ministry and a good chance of the WELFARE budget.

The Norwegian foreldrepengeordninga – place to ensure that both parents must be able to kombinera employment and care for small children – is a berebjelke in the Norwegian likestillingsmodellen. Foreign delegasjonar have valfarta to the country to studera this scheme, and an equal familiemodell has broad support in the population. Fedrekvota, which was innførd in 1993, has led to not less than one papparevolusjon, with the result that the current fedrar take just as much responsibility for their young children who mødrer.

The gender equality policy always has been placed in the familiedepartementa, has also had some disadvantage. Likestillingsministrane has not had enough influence on the arbeidslivspolitikken, which also is quite crucial for the likestillinga. They have not had tilstrekkelege tools to maintain lead that gender equality is a priority of all ministries and on all samfunnsområdet, so the Parliament has decreed that the one shall.

We can not accept that ministers have reservasjonsrett towards gender equality and equality of Columnist

equality policies have therefore had a tendency to be reduced to family policy. Familiepolitikken is important for likestillinga, but not sufficient to maintain equality in all areas of social life.

responsibility gender equality policy now will be moved to the Ministry of culture, means that, as Marie Simonsen has pointed out in a comment in the Newspaper, this week, that the government break up an academic field which has had great national and international importance. But it also means that Ropstad sit again with all the money bag and a blankofullmakt from the government to prevent “the politics interferes in the family of freedom” – something that is civil code for the financial incentive to the traditional division of labour between the sexes.

With Ropstad at the helm, there is also no reason to believe that the “family freedom” is a matter to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transpersonar (lhbti-persons) of their right to family life.

himla pissed off noise must the government and Ropstad withstand Comment

If one would at first will move the gender equality policy to another ministry, would be the only sensible thing have been to move it to the ministry of Labour. When would the minister of gender equality had the tools to change them soggy strukturane in the kjønnsdelte labour market, in line with what it says in the regjeringserklæringa.

In the ministry of culture minister for gender equality however no power over the central verkemidlar. She will have little opportunity to adressera the four hovudinnsatsområda as Skjeieutvalet blinka out: government by the people, valfridom, distribution and sårbarheit. Everything she possess, after all, to judge, is the Equality and diskrimineringslova and some small stønadsordningar on likestillingsfeltet. Professor and likestillingsstrateg Hege Skjeie has stated that gender equality policy is missing a toolkit, and Trine Skei Grande’s part is where barely a blade screwdriver again.

Ropstad got regnbueflagget: – It is clear I’m anxious,

Skjeie and Mari Teigen , have pointed out that likestillinga usually must depart for other reasons in the battle for resources, power, and priority. Ropstad has made it quite clear that he believes diskrimineringsvernet to glbt persons must depart for religionsfridomen, and that women’s right of use of the own body must be the week for some of their religious stance.

Erna Solberg has made it clear that likestillinga must be the week for her regjeringsprosjekt. This is a powerful setback for the gender equality policy, and that will get completely real political, legal, economic consequences for both women and sexual minoritetar.