In the days and weeks after 22. July, it happened something special. From debattfelt, social media, conversations, was there a change in tone. People vented their own uncertainty. In the meeting with the unthinkable and horrific went many through their own points of view and opinions, several of them public. It was easy to think that something was changed after it happened.

exception in the way to discuss on, lasted unfortunately only a few weeks. Now, it is hard to believe that it ever occurred. We have got a debattklima, especially online, where it is commonplace to label people as quislinger and traitors. In such a climate, it is tempting to take a ekstremposisjon: To be either for or against. To endorse or show their disgust. It requires a minimum of effort, and provides maximum benefit when it comes to positioning and awareness.

Immigrants get jobs in the Norway, they are “taking” them is not a Writer

There is an ongoing important debate about the consequences of immigration. The debate overdøves unfortunately, of the most extreme views – especially in social media. On the one ytterpunktet forfektes nationalist attitudes which Norway is presented as an ethnically and culturally homogenous community, that are being destroyed by “the strangers”.

At the other extreme is a blind multiculturalism, where the tolerance for inequality in reality is normløshet and danger for parallellsamfunn. The truth is that a multicultural society enriches us and challenges us. Both parts we must dare to say aloud. The time has come to speak loudly with a mild voice.

They who spread racism and division do not advocate the Uk, but attacks the heart and lungs in the Norwegian society. We must have tolerance for diversity, but also a confident frame of common norms and values that apply to all. We need to ensure individuals the freedom to believe and live in different ways. But we must also ensure freedom from oppression in the religion’s or culture’s name.

Someone is trying to misrepresent a position such as Winnie the Pooh-naivete. In reality balansegangen anything but naive. The government has, for example, implemented a ban on the ansiktsdekkende garments in teaching situations. We do this to ensure good communication and training for all pupils and students. But we do not want a state klespoliti.

What we can never accept, is a religious practice or cultural norms that violate human rights. We need to support the young boys and girls who want to dress like they want to dance like they want and marry the one they want.

Ideals to support minoritetskultur is good. But they are not enough always. The fight against negative social control is an example.. No culture or religion can justify violence and abuse. Anyone who tries to get opposition.

Tolerance for diversity means not that we should wipe out the Norwegian identity and culture. Christian faith and cultural heritage are in a unique position in Norway. Therefore, the teaching of christianity have a central place in the school, and we encourage schools to arrange skolegudstjenester in christmas.

Live in democracy, you must be able to withstand that your feelings are violated. It is misunderstood tolerance, if we stop to go around the christmas tree to avoid offending anyone.

In reality is tolerance, to teach us to live with and bear the attitudes and speech we don’t like. Anyone who has been in a family business should have good training. In other european countries, we see a stronger polarization, and that the segregation and parallellsamfunn creates unrest and insecurity. We should do everything we can to prevent that the same happens in Norway. We do this not by refusing to allow people to be themselves, or to scream to each other, but by finding a common sustainable balance between rights and duties.

We’ve created compulsory education in the Norwegian language and social studies in the reception centres. We have also introduced the claim about language and knowledge as a condition for the residence permit and citizenship. Not to keep anyone outside, but to get more into the community, and the community. We need to get more immigrants in the job.

It requires a great effort from the individual itself, but also that we as a society set up with equal opportunities for all, regardless of background. Therefore, reforms the government, for example, kvalifiseringsordningene, to ensure that immigrants have the skills they need. To ensure equal opportunities, we have also an active policy to include more children with an immigrant background in the nursery.

Previously announced be against this, because you considered it as a assimileringspolitikk that threatened minoritetsbarnas cultural identity. Now we see that the social journey into the Norwegian society starts with the opportunity for play, interaction and learning and development together with other children. Might have just children and young people, born and raised in Norway, with two immigrant parents, a lot to teach us about community and freedom in modern Norway. Those who take a social quantum leap into the Norwegian society, through the strong drive towards education. Those who have with them their parents ‘ culture, but who first and foremost feel Norwegian and at home in Norway.